Daily Higher Education News: 15 February 2013

Daily Higher Education News: 15 February 2013

QS Staff Writer

Updated January 16, 2020 Updated January 16

The TopUniversities.com guide to the latest higher education news from around the world, on 15 February 2013.

Increase to funding for EU mobility scheme

The budget for the EU’s Erasmus for All scheme has not been hit as hard by austerity measures as many expected, University World News reports. In fact, under the proposed budget for 2014-20, up to four million Europeans could gain funding to help them spend time studying, training or working in a different European country – compared to 2.5 million in 2007-13. EU leaders’ proposed budget allocation for research and innovation is also higher than many expected.

Increase in students gaining UK degrees, outside the UK

The number of students studying for UK degrees outside the country increased 13% last year, The Guardian reports. In 2011-12, some 571,000 students were enrolled on UK universities’ courses in other countries - through international branch campuses, partnerships with local institutions, and distance learning. The largest number of ‘transnational’ enrolments came from Malaysia, Singapore and Pakistan, while the UK universities with most overseas students were Oxford Brookes, the University of London, the Open University and the University of Wales.

More Chinese students studying fashion in US

The past few years have seen a significant increase in the number of Chinese students enrolling on top fashion courses in the US, China Daily reports. For example, Chinese applications to the Pratt Institute’s New York-based fashion program have more than tripled in the last three years. The trend is being attributed to China’s growing luxury market.

UK universities criticized for not producing enough games designers

A governmental advisory committee has criticized UK universities for failing to produce enough graduates to fill jobs in the computer games design industry, London Evening Standard reports. The committee’s report also suggests that many of the UK’s top talents in the sector are leaving to work in countries such as the US and Canada. Games design is among the roles which may be added to the Home Office’s official list of ‘shortage occupations’.

Website offers UK students chance to win university fees

New website WinMyFees will allow UK students to enter monthly competitions to win the full amount of their university fees, The National Student reports. The site will work by charging a £1 entry fee to play an online game, with those who pass the test being put through to a pool from which winners will be selected each month. Additional funding for the prizes will come from business sponsorships.

This article was originally published in February 2013 . It was last updated in January 2020
