Jenderal Soedirman University

Jl HR Boenyamin No. 708, Purwokerto

  • 8K-10K Avg. Fees (USD)
  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 22,187Total Students
  • 902Faculty
  • 15Int'l Students


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Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) is located in Purwokerto, a municipal city in Banyumas regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The establishment of this university began in 1961 when formal and informal leaders of Banyumas, motivated by the educational mandate of the National Constitution (Pembukaan UUD 1945) and the people demands, discussed the need to build a university in the area. Thus, they set up Yayasan Pembina Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, a foundation that prepared the development of the university. This foundation was legalized by an Act of Notary No. 32, 20 September 1961. Eventually, following other pressures from different components of people (such as the local education authority and the Indonesia National Army) and based on the Presidential Decree No. 195, 23 September 1963, Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) was formally inaugurated by the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Prof. Dr. Tojib Hadiwidjaja at the House of Resident of Banyumas.


Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) is located in Purwokerto, a municipal city in Banyumas regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The establishment of this university began in 1961 when formal and informal leaders of Banyumas, motivated by the educational mandate of the National Constitution (Pembukaan UUD 1945) and the people demands, discussed the need to build a university in the area. Thus, they set up Yayasan Pembina Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, a foundation that prepared the development of the university. This foundation was legalized by an Act of Notary No. 32, 20 September 1961. Eventually, following other pressures from different components of people (such as the local education authority and the Indonesia National Army) and based on the Presidential Decree No. 195, 23 September 1963, Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) was formally inaugurated by the Minister of Higher Education and Science, Prof. Dr. Tojib Hadiwidjaja at the House of Resident of Banyumas.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Undergraduate Program

8,000 - 10,000
The fees above are an indicative annual course fee in US dollars. Please note that course fees will vary. Always check the exact cost of the program and bear in mind likely additional expenses.

Campus locations

Jl HR Boenyamin No. 708, Purwokerto, ID,

Jl HR Boenyamin No. 708 , Purwokerto , Indonesia , 53122

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