Menoufia University

Minufiya University, Shebeen El Kom (Shibin Al Kawm)

  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 85,114Total Students
  • 3,893Faculty
  • 698Int'l Students


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Founded in 1976, Menoufia University is located in the Monufia Governorate in Egypt. Located to the north of the country and close to the Nile Delta, this region takes its name from the ancient city of Menouf and has an estimated population of 4.3 million people. Most of these residents are living in rural areas, while the university is in Shibin El Kom the governorate's capital city.
Menoufia University is now one of the largest in Egypt, and currently has approximately 80,000 enrolled students and 3,500 faculty members. In 2006, a satellite campus was established in Sadat City, 60km from Shibin El Kom.


Founded in 1976, Menoufia University is located in the Monufia Governorate in Egypt. Located to the north of the country and close to the Nile Delta, this region takes its name from the ancient city of Menouf and has an estimated population of 4.3 million people. Most of these residents are living in rural areas, while the university is in Shibin El Kom the governorate's capital city.
Menoufia University is now one of the largest in Egypt, and currently has approximately 80,000 enrolled students and 3,500 faculty members. In 2006, a satellite campus was established in Sadat City, 60km from Shibin El Kom.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students

Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Shebeen El Kom Campus,

Minufiya University , Shebeen El Kom (Shibin Al Kawm) , Egypt ,

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