Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Bolshaya Morskaya st. 67, St. Petersburg

  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 10,229Total Students
  • 494Faculty
  • 810Int'l Students


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SUAI – Space for Science and Science for Space!

SUAI is a multidisciplinary technological University, a leading educational institution in avionics, instrumentation, electronics, computer and info-communication technologies for aeronautics and space systems. Moreover, our University trains qualified professionals in IT, economics, law, political science, international relations and linguistics.

SUAI trains international and local students of all degree levels:  bachelor, master, specialist, PhD. The University has world-class scientific research teams, modern educational programmes for priority research fields and critical technologies, lasting productive connections with Russian and international high-technology industry.

The Mission of SUAI is to train highly qualified and competent specialists capable of developing advanced technologies and modern industries. 

Why study at SUAI?

•        SUAI is known as a multidisciplinary research and training centre providing education for engineers, economists and law experts.

•        SUAI functions in historical buildings of the Russian cultural capital city.

•        SUAI combines research activities and a project-oriented approach.

•        SUAI is a national leader in creating professions and competencies within WorldSkills and FutureSkills.

•        SUAI’s diploma allows its graduates to find an interesting well-paid job and makes them feel control of tomorrow.

Key figures

•        Founded in 1941

•        15 000 students

•        1600 international students

•        5 campuses (4 campuses in St. Petersburg, 1 campus in Ivangorod)

•        3 dormitories

•        8 institutes and 3 faculties

•        Over 120 educational programs

•        The Engineering School with 7 laboratories

•        90 percent of lecturing faculty have advanced scientific degrees

Industrial and Technological Partners:

and many others

World Skills

For several years SUAI has been cooperating with the Union of Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) and became the first participant in the FutureSkills conference (“Professions of the Future”) in St. Petersburg aimed at advanced training and creation of promising professions. Right now, SUAI is the leader in the number of emerging professions of the future and advanced WorldSkills competencies. Mobile Robotics, Business Software Solutions, Space Systems Engineering (FutureSkills), Internet Marketing, Internet of Things (FutureSkills), Corporate Protection Against Internal Security Threats (FutureSkills) and many other competencies are being actively developed at the University.


SUAI is a member of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme and is a part of UNESCO Chairs Partnership in the field of ICT in education and innovative pedagogy. The UNESCO Chair “Distant education in engineering” has been successfully operating in SUAI since 1999.

Mobility and Joint Degree Programs

Over the years, the University has been participating in ERASMUS and FIRST (Finnish-Russian Students and Teachers Exchange Program) mobility programs. We are developing a joint  “Embedded Systems” Master Degree Program with IPSA (France).

International Research Projects

In past years SUAI was running the FP7 project and the TEMPUS project as the coordinator, participated in ENPI program.

SUAI successfully operates the International Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technologies. Its employees are carrying out research work on the international contract company Knowledge Inside (France).

SUAI is taking part in a project within the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

SUAI is the member of the working group on developing an international standard for SpaceWire onboard space systems in collaboration with the European Space Technology Centre ESTEC of the European Space Agency ESA

International Associations

SUAI is an active member of a number of international associations and consortia, such as:

1.       International Society for Automation (ISA),

2.       International Telecommunication Union (ITU),

3.       The Russian-Finnish Association for The Cooperation of Universities in Information and Telecommunications (Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications),

4.       The “Belt and Road” Aerospace Innovation Alliance,

5.       Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligent Systems, ARTEMIS,

6.       The Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of Russia and China

7.       The Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of BRICS




SUAI – Space for Science and Science for Space!

SUAI is a multidisciplinary technological University, a leading educational institution in avionics, instrumentation, electronics, computer and info-communication technologies for aeronautics and space systems. Moreover, our University trains qualified professionals in IT, economics, law, political science, international relations and linguistics.

SUAI trains international and local students of all degree levels:  bachelor, master, specialist, PhD. The University has world-class scientific research teams, modern educational programmes for priority research fields and critical technologies, lasting productive connections with Russian and international high-technology industry.

The Mission of SUAI is to train highly qualified and competent specialists capable of developing advanced technologies and modern industries. 

Why study at SUAI?

•        SUAI is known as a multidisciplinary research and training centre providing education for engineers, economists and law experts.

•        SUAI functions in historical buildings of the Russian cultural capital city.

•        SUAI combines research activities and a project-oriented approach.

•        SUAI is a national leader in creating professions and competencies within WorldSkills and FutureSkills.

•        SUAI’s diploma allows its graduates to find an interesting well-paid job and makes them feel control of tomorrow.

Key figures

•        Founded in 1941

•        15 000 students

•        1600 international students

•        5 campuses (4 campuses in St. Petersburg, 1 campus in Ivangorod)

•        3 dormitories

•        8 institutes and 3 faculties

•        Over 120 educational programs

•        The Engineering School with 7 laboratories

•        90 percent of lecturing faculty have advanced scientific degrees

Industrial and Technological Partners:

and many others

World Skills

For several years SUAI has been cooperating with the Union of Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) and became the first participant in the FutureSkills conference (“Professions of the Future”) in St. Petersburg aimed at advanced training and creation of promising professions. Right now, SUAI is the leader in the number of emerging professions of the future and advanced WorldSkills competencies. Mobile Robotics, Business Software Solutions, Space Systems Engineering (FutureSkills), Internet Marketing, Internet of Things (FutureSkills), Corporate Protection Against Internal Security Threats (FutureSkills) and many other competencies are being actively developed at the University.


SUAI is a member of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme and is a part of UNESCO Chairs Partnership in the field of ICT in education and innovative pedagogy. The UNESCO Chair “Distant education in engineering” has been successfully operating in SUAI since 1999.

Mobility and Joint Degree Programs

Over the years, the University has been participating in ERASMUS and FIRST (Finnish-Russian Students and Teachers Exchange Program) mobility programs. We are developing a joint  “Embedded Systems” Master Degree Program with IPSA (France).

International Research Projects

In past years SUAI was running the FP7 project and the TEMPUS project as the coordinator, participated in ENPI program.

SUAI successfully operates the International Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technologies. Its employees are carrying out research work on the international contract company Knowledge Inside (France).

SUAI is taking part in a project within the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

SUAI is the member of the working group on developing an international standard for SpaceWire onboard space systems in collaboration with the European Space Technology Centre ESTEC of the European Space Agency ESA

International Associations

SUAI is an active member of a number of international associations and consortia, such as:

1.       International Society for Automation (ISA),

2.       International Telecommunication Union (ITU),

3.       The Russian-Finnish Association for The Cooperation of Universities in Information and Telecommunications (Finnish-Russian University Cooperation in Telecommunications),

4.       The “Belt and Road” Aerospace Innovation Alliance,

5.       Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligent Systems, ARTEMIS,

6.       The Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of Russia and China

7.       The Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of BRICS



University highlights

EECA University Rankings

  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation,

Bolshaya Morskaya st. 67 , St. Petersburg , Russia , 190000

Campus (Gastello st.),

Gastello st., 15 , St. Petersburg , Russia ,

Campus (Lensoveta st.),

Lensoveta st., 14 , St. Petersburg , Russia ,

Campus (Moskovskiy pr.),

Moskovskiy pr., 149B , St. Petersburg , Russia ,

Ivangorod Campus,

Ivangorod , Russia ,

+ 2 More Locations

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