8 Reasons to Earn an Accelerated Professional Certificate in the US

8 Reasons to Earn an Accelerated Professional Certificate in the US

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Updated January 16, 2020 Updated January 16

This article is sponsored by the University of California, Irvine.

Completing a professional certificate is a popular and effective way to gain additional professional training to advance your career – especially when it comes from a top-ranked university. The University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine), which recently earned distinction as the top US university under 50 years old, offers international students a way to rapidly gain new professional skills through its three-month Accelerated Certificate Programs (ACPs). These programs are a great way to update your understanding of changing technologies, regulation and trends in your field, allowing you to enter your chosen career track at a higher level or progress more rapidly.

A wide range of sectors are covered by professional certificates. At UC Irvine, the current list of ACPs includes professional certificates in 11 different fields, including International Business Operations Management, Global Human Resources Management, Marketing, Media and Global Communications, International Tourism and Hotel Management, Project Management and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).

If you’re looking for an extension program to aid your career progression, here are eight reasons why an ACP in the US could be the most effective choice for you.

1. Develop professional skills through applied learning

ACPs at UC Irvine have a very practical focus, with students constantly challenged to apply their learning to research projects, group work, case studies, simulations and presentations. While getting to grips with new information, theories and strategies in a very practical way, students simultaneously develop essential professional skills such as teamwork, communication, analysis, independent research and project management.

2. Get the professional training you want, faster

ACPs are the fast-track route to completing a professional certificate. Whereas students completing professional certificates part-time can take up to five years to finish the course, UC Irvine’s ACP programs are condensed into three months of full-time, hands-on study. This means the information and case studies covered will be as up to date as possible, and that you will start benefitting from the professional sills gained much more quickly.

3. Option to complete an internship

After completing at least one three-month ACP at UC Irvine, students are eligible to apply for a three-month internship. The university has partnerships with around 250 companies in the local area, and has a 100% success rate in successfully placing prospective interns. Those who choose to apply for an internship also benefit from the support of three full-time advisors, who offer professional training, including résumé-writing and interview skills workshops.

4. Learn from leading industry professionals

Completing a classroom-based professional certificate, such as an ACP, is also an opportunity to benefit from the personal advice and guidance of leading professionals in your industry. ACPs at UC Irvine feature classes led by professionals from a wide range of organizations in the rich and diverse local economy. Located on the southern coast of California between Los Angeles and San Diego, Irvine is right in the middle of the ‘Tech Coast’ region, renowned for its impressive concentration of high-tech companies. It’s also one of the three largest cities in California’s Orange County (“the OC”), famed for its tourism and hospitality industries, significant presence of Fortune 500 companies, and the fact that its economy is larger than that of most countries.

5. Establish an international professional network

One of the long-lasting benefits ACP graduates frequently mention is the international professional network developed during the course. During the intensive three months of applied learning, course mates form connections that last into their future careers – and as classes are typically composed of students from all around the world, this means an instant international network of professionals all working within the same field.

6. Hone your English language skills

For international students speaking English as a second language, an additional benefit of an ACP is the chance to hone English language skills in multiple contexts – academic, professional and personal. At UC Irvine, ACPs are taught entirely in English, so students are immersed and challenged to extend their professionally specialized vocabulary, developing both written and spoken English language communication to a very high standard.

7. Opportunity to work in the US for one year

Many ACP graduates take up the chance to participate in the US Optional Practical Training (OPT) scheme, which offers international students the opportunity to stay and work in the US full-time for up to 12 months. To apply, students must first complete nine months of consecutive full-time study in the US; at UC Irvine, this can be accomplished by enrolling in two ACPs, followed by an internship (which counts as an educational program). The university supports students through the OPT application process, and once approved, they are free to seek a full-time position anywhere in the US, without having to apply for a change in visa status.

8. Enjoy an activity-packed US experience

Finally, an ACP is an opportunity to get a first-hand “US experience”. Those studying ACPs at UC Irvine have the chance to participate in student life on campus, including sports tournaments and social events, while also benefitting from the university’s packed program of trips and activities for international students. This includes tours of cities such as San Francisco and Las Vegas; excursions to attractions such as Hollywood and Universal Studios; and visits to popular beaches, museums and Broadway shows. Irvine itself is consistently ranked the safest city in the US, making it a perfect place for those new to the country to find their feet.

This article was originally published in September 2014 . It was last updated in January 2020
