MSc Sustainable Energy Systems: Student Profile

MSc Sustainable Energy Systems: Student Profile

QS Staff Writer

更新日期 January 16, 2020 更新日期 January 16

Shivangi Sharma, currently studying an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, chose to study abroad out of necessity. The course she wanted to study was not available in her native country, India. However, she now describes it as the best decision she ever made!

“The subjects I wanted to study were not offered by any Indian university and I also wished to earn my advanced qualifications in an international environment. Hence, the decision to study abroad seemed a pretty natural option to me,” says Shivangi.

Making it happen

Searching for a university and a course which met all her expectations wasn’t easy and she put in significant efforts to make things happen for her. “I did my own research, contacted friends and relatives and took guidance from free-for-students consultancy. I also scanned carefully through the details of the course structure of each prospective university before zeroing on the one which suited me the best.”

Although Shivangi applied for a number of university scholarships, bursaries and even the British Council Scholarship, she wasn’t lucky enough to get them. However, that did not discourage her from pursuing her dream to study abroad. “I relied on a student’s loan from the bank, loans from relatives and friends and funding from my parents to support my studies abroad,” she says.

However, despite the initial hurdles of arranging funds for her master’s program, Shivangi is thoroughly enjoying her educational and cultural experience of studying abroad. And, she is more than happy with what she has received for her investment. “Studying abroad has boosted my confidence to deal with people from anywhere around the world. It has also given me insight into the research work which is not available in most Indian universities.”

Range of experiences

Ask her what she likes about the academic structure of her chosen university and she says, “The course, split-up in two semesters, has very diverse and exhaustive subjects. The teachers are very professional and helpful.”

Shivangi feels that choosing to study abroad has been all about fun, learning and enriching experiences. As far as adjusting in a foreign country was concerned, she was able to feel settled within the first few weeks of joining.

“Initially it takes a while to get along well with others, but in a week's time all my classmates and flat-mates were my best pals. One has to be open and respectful to others in order to enjoy the cultural diversity and learn from others,” she says.

The weather and the friendly attitude of the people in Scotland is what Shivangi loves most about living here. “I never feel for a day that I am living away from my family, in a foreign land—except when I am sick!”

Gaining higher education at an international level can be a liberating experience, for Shivangi feels that not only has her tenure enhanced her personality, but also made her a mature person. “It prepares you effectively as a professional and a person,” she says. 

Advice for others

For those aspiring to study overseas, Shivangi shares from her experience a few bits of advice. “Do analyze yourself, your suitability and your aims before deciding where and what you want to achieve and whether the location suits your personal taste. It’s always better to be in touch with an alumnus or a current student.”

Sometimes, adjusting in a new country can prove difficult for international students. Shivangi feels that in such cases, it is the student’s responsibility to shed inhibitions and mix well with the people around. “With a positive attitude and confidence, affection of people can be gained. It can give you memories of a lifetime. Communication matters a lot.”

When her course ends, Shivangi plans to search for attractive research opportunities or take up a job within the UK to gain some work experience before moving back to India. The decision to work in the UK post studies is motivated by several factors. “The course that we are taught here is highly focused on the UK or EU politics, technology and geography, so working here could be interesting as well as rewarding.”

So far, it has been a fabulous journey for her as an international student and she is confident it will open up newer avenues for her as a professional after the completion of her master’s program.

本文首发于 2012 Default , 更新于 2020 January 。

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