ESIC was the first business school created in Spain as an answer to the professionals who needed to improve their training in the area of Marketing. Now, more than 50 years later, ESIC is one of the leading Marketing schools, recognized inside and outside of our borders as one of the best training centers of its kind. With more than 62.000 alumni, ESIC is a prestigious point of reference for companies and professionals. Our mission is the academic training of professionals who will be able to create companies and perform successfully in them, with responsibility and efficiency, at any hierarchical level and in any area. ESIC's mission can be outlined as follows:
- The academic training of professionals who will be able to create companies and organizations and perform successfully in them, with responsibility and efficiency, at any hierarchical level and in any area.
- The spreading of a culture of high ethical values and rationality in business activities, by keeping open lines of communication between the academic and the business worlds and promoting the entrepreneurial spirit of the students, both in Spain as well as in the international community.
ESIC is deeply commited to its mission and values. We strive to offer a responsible contribution to society, as well as to the national and international academic and business community. ESIC´s contributions are divided in 4 main areas:
- Professional Networking: Events and activities aimed at promoting professional relations and creating bonds between participants. ESIC,s professional events are useful to expand our participants network and provide them with new business opportunities.
-Academic projects and resources offered by the School, that blend research, academic development, innovation and educational excellence.
-Entrepreneurship: The School has been promoting entrepreneurship among its students for more than 50 years. It also provides our program´s participants with the environment, facilities, support and advice to develop their business ideas.
-Alumni: The largest network of business and marketing professionals and executives in Spain.
Our facilities are mainly focused on the personal and professional development of our students. They include:
Our Business internship program, which facilitates access to business for our students and helps bring into practice the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired. From year 3, all lessons take place in the afternoon only, while mornings are reserved for traineeships. ESIC has over 1,600 trainee students at present.
Professional careers, given that companies demand professional experts on business, marketing, new forms of advertising, sales and digital economy, with high language skills, willingness to travel and a motivated and creative entrepreneurial approach.
The School also provides support for entrepreneurs. ESIC creates, promotes and integrates actions to encourage entrepreneurship, by providing support and training. It also develops programs and activities in the field of business creation to support ESIC students’ business initiatives and contributes to their consolidation. Students have access to personalized advice, entrepreneurial networking, a business incubator, an investors forum and preferential financing.
ESIC also has its own Language School. ESIC Idiomas trains students in language so that they can developtheir international profile and enhance their communication cpabilities in a profesional or academic environment. It is an officialexamination center for the most renowned language examinations such as TOEFL, TOEIC Cambridge General English and Cambridge Business English Certificates (BEC). In addition, our language school offers language training in German, French, Chinese and Spanish for Foreigners (accredited by Cervantes Institute)
ESIC Publishing House is an interdisciplinary environment producing research which is relevant to the changing circunstances of an increasingly interconnected world. The School is commited to rigorous conceptual and empirical research that is relevant and problem oriented with a focus onthe needs of firms. The aim is to inform the teaching and learning activities of the school with the latest developments in te area of business and marketing. For more than 45 years, ESIC Publishing Hpuse has edited and published titles specialized in digital marketing, marketing, advertising, sales, human resources, finance, strategy, economy, mathematics, and statistics which are praised by their rigorous and pedagogical approach.
Moreover, the School facilitates and encourages international mobility. Students have the possibility to complete and validate their training abroad, for a semester or a full academic year, through:
· Erasmus+: Education and traineeship mobility across the European Higher Education Area, funded by the European Union.
· Degree+: Mobility to add an official diploma from the destination country by taking the final year abroad.
· Horizon: Mobility covering educational fees at the University of destination or with specific financial conditions with no geographical limitations.
· Munde ESIC: Mobility outside the European Higher Education Area.
· Terra: Specific mobility for academic recognition with institutions around the world.
We have over 125 agreements with national and international universities in more than 40 countries across 4 continents.
ESIC was the first business school created in Spain as an answer to the professionals who needed to improve their training in the area of Marketing. Now, more than 50 years later, ESIC is one of the leading Marketing schools, recognized inside and outside of our borders as one of the best training centers of its kind. With more than 62.000 alumni, ESIC is a prestigious point of reference for companies and professionals. Our mission is the academic training of professionals who will be able to create companies and perform successfully in them, with responsibility and efficiency, at any hierarchical level and in any area. ESIC's mission can be outlined as follows:
- The academic training of professionals who will be able to create companies and organizations and perform successfully in them, with responsibility and efficiency, at any hierarchical level and in any area.
- The spreading of a culture of high ethical values and rationality in business activities, by keeping open lines of communication between the academic and the business worlds and promoting the entrepreneurial spirit of the students, both in Spain as well as in the international community.
ESIC is deeply commited to its mission and values. We strive to offer a responsible contribution to society, as well as to the national and international academic and business community. ESIC´s contributions are divided in 4 main areas:
- Professional Networking: Events and activities aimed at promoting professional relations and creating bonds between participants. ESIC,s professional events are useful to expand our participants network and provide them with new business opportunities.
-Academic projects and resources offered by the School, that blend research, academic development, innovation and educational excellence.
-Entrepreneurship: The School has been promoting entrepreneurship among its students for more than 50 years. It also provides our program´s participants with the environment, facilities, support and advice to develop their business ideas.
-Alumni: The largest network of business and marketing professionals and executives in Spain.
Our facilities are mainly focused on the personal and professional development of our students. They include:
Our Business internship program, which facilitates access to business for our students and helps bring into practice the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired. From year 3, all lessons take place in the afternoon only, while mornings are reserved for traineeships. ESIC has over 1,600 trainee students at present.
Professional careers, given that companies demand professional experts on business, marketing, new forms of advertising, sales and digital economy, with high language skills, willingness to travel and a motivated and creative entrepreneurial approach.
The School also provides support for entrepreneurs. ESIC creates, promotes and integrates actions to encourage entrepreneurship, by providing support and training. It also develops programs and activities in the field of business creation to support ESIC students’ business initiatives and contributes to their consolidation. Students have access to personalized advice, entrepreneurial networking, a business incubator, an investors forum and preferential financing.
ESIC also has its own Language School. ESIC Idiomas trains students in language so that they can developtheir international profile and enhance their communication cpabilities in a profesional or academic environment. It is an officialexamination center for the most renowned language examinations such as TOEFL, TOEIC Cambridge General English and Cambridge Business English Certificates (BEC). In addition, our language school offers language training in German, French, Chinese and Spanish for Foreigners (accredited by Cervantes Institute)
ESIC Publishing House is an interdisciplinary environment producing research which is relevant to the changing circunstances of an increasingly interconnected world. The School is commited to rigorous conceptual and empirical research that is relevant and problem oriented with a focus onthe needs of firms. The aim is to inform the teaching and learning activities of the school with the latest developments in te area of business and marketing. For more than 45 years, ESIC Publishing Hpuse has edited and published titles specialized in digital marketing, marketing, advertising, sales, human resources, finance, strategy, economy, mathematics, and statistics which are praised by their rigorous and pedagogical approach.
Moreover, the School facilitates and encourages international mobility. Students have the possibility to complete and validate their training abroad, for a semester or a full academic year, through:
· Erasmus+: Education and traineeship mobility across the European Higher Education Area, funded by the European Union.
· Degree+: Mobility to add an official diploma from the destination country by taking the final year abroad.
· Horizon: Mobility covering educational fees at the University of destination or with specific financial conditions with no geographical limitations.
· Munde ESIC: Mobility outside the European Higher Education Area.
· Terra: Specific mobility for academic recognition with institutions around the world.
We have over 125 agreements with national and international universities in more than 40 countries across 4 continents.
Available programs
University highlights
- 2022#201-250
- 2023#251-300
- 2024#251-300
Campus locations
ESIC Madrid - Pozuelo,
Avda. de Valdenigrales, s/n , Pozuelo de Alarcón , Madrid , Spain , 28223
C/ Marià Cubí, 124 , Barcelona , Spain , 08021
ESIC Barcelona,
Carrer de Marià Cubí, 124 , Barcelona , Barcelona , Spain , 08021
ESIC Bilbao,
C/ Alameda Recalde, 50 , Bilbao , Vizcaya , Spain , 48008
ESIC Granada,
C/ Eduardo Molina Fajardo, 20 , Granada , Granada , Spain , 18014
ESIC Madrid - Arturo Soria,
C/ Arturo Soria, 161 , Madrid , Madrid , Spain , 28043
ESIC Málaga,
C/ Severo Ochoa, 49 Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía , Campanillas , Málaga , Spain , 29590
ESIC Pamplona,
Avda. de Anaitasuna, 31 , Mutilva , Navarra , Spain , 31192
ESIC Sevilla,
Edificio de la Prensa Avda. de Carlos III, s/n , Isla de la Cartuja , Sevilla , Spain , 41092
ESIC Zaragoza,
Vía Ibérica, 28-34 , Zaragoza , Zaragoza , Spain , 50012
ESIC Valencia,
Avda. de Blasco Ibáñez, 55 , Valencia , Valencia , Spain , 46021
ESIC Galicia (A Coruña),
Ronda de Nelle, 31 , A Coruña , A Coruña , Spain , 15007
ESIC Galicia (Vigo),
Avenida de Madrid, 60 , Vigo , Vigo , Spain , 36204