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Singapore Visas: Guide for Indian Students

Singapore Visas: Guide for Indian Students

QS Staff Writer

更新日期 March 4, 2021 更新日期 March 04

Preparing to leave India and study in Singapore? Find out what you need to know for your student visa application.

It’s a bit closer to home, it’s famed for its world-class universities, and it’s affordable: it’s not surprising, really, that Singapore is so popular among the Indian students.

What type of visa do I need?

Once you have received an acceptance letter (valid for two weeks) from an institute of higher education in Singapore, you need to apply for a Student’s Pass to be eligible to stay there. However, if you already have a Dependent Pass or an Immigration Exemption Order, you may be able to bypass this stage.

You should make your application for a Student’s Pass to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (www.ica.gov.sg). You can do this online using the Student's Pass Online Application & Registration (SOLAR) system. A Student's Pass is generally valid for the entire duration of your course.

How long does it take?

Those applying for a Student’s Pass for the first time must submit their application not more than two months, and not less than one month, before their course begins. Applications are processed quickly and will not take more than 10 working days. However, apply early to avoid eleventh hour panic since as some applications may take a little longer than normal to be processed, particularly during July and August.

How much does it cost?

A processing fee of S$30 (INR 1,131.53) is charged for every application submitted to the ICA. An additional issuance fee of S$60 (INR 2,262.91) must be paid once the Student's Pass is issued.

Can I work while I study?

Overseas students at certain institutes of higher education are permitted to work while they study. During term time, these eligible students are permitted to work 16 hours per week. Work permits are not required for those who want to work during holidays.

Overseas students should visit the website of Ministry of Manpower to find out if their institution’s students are afforded work privileges.

Can I work after graduation?

Upon completion of their degree program, overseas students may submit an application for a one-year Visit Pass (Long-Term) to ICA, if they wish to seek employment in Singapore. This can be done electronically via e-VP (ltpass.ica.gov.sg/eltsvp/main.do). Prospective employers usually make this application for you.

Useful contacts

Singapore High Commission, New Delhi
Chancery N-88, Panchsheel Park
New Delhi-110017
Telephone: +91-11-41019801/+91-11-41019804/ +91-11-41019818
Fax: +91-11-41019805
Email: singhc_del@sgmfa.gov.sg
Web: www.mfa.gov.sg/newdelhi

Singapore Consulate, Chennai
17-A North Boag Road
Telephone: +91-44-2815-8207/ +91-44-2815-8208
Fax: +91-44-2815-8209
Email: singcon_maa@sgmfa.gov.sg
Webs: www.mfa.gov.sg/chennai

Singapore Consulate, Mumbai
Consulate 101, 10th Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Jamnalal Bajaj Road, 
Telephone: +91-22-2204-3205/ +91-22-2204-3209
Fax: +91-22-2285-5812
Email: singcon_bom@sgmfa.gov.sg
Web: www.mfa.gov.sg/mumbai

本文首发于 2012 Default , 更新于 2021 March 。





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