• #901-950 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • MediumResearch Output
  • 41,918Total Students
  • 3,992Faculty
  • 2,076Int'l Students


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Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) is a comprehensive government higher education institution; with its main campuses in Riyadh, the Capital City of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one for male students and one for females.  The University was originally formed from the amalgamation of the Islamic Law College and the Arabic Language College in Riyadh and was officially established by royal decree in 1951. The university's strengths lies in its Islamic foundations and contribution to local and international society in almost all aspects.

The university has contributed largely to the country's leadership since many graduates have held high leading positions in the country. It is a tuition-free institution and it offers a scholarship ( http://cutt.us/WL3FL ) to students around the world, and at the moment there are more than 7405 international students studying at different colleges.

The university has 13 Colleges and 3 Institutes. It currently has more than 60609 students and 5310 faculty members.  IMSIU has a good employability rate of around 43%. The university as a cultural and intellectual institution aims to promote knowledge offering undergraduate as well as postgraduate studies. IMSIU also has internal TV Channel, College Studio and Miraat Aljamah (a weekly published newspaper). Some colleges have their own learning resources such as Virtual Court in the Higher Judicial Institute, and Hadith Lab in the College of Religion Fundamentals. IMSIU also has what is called Bawabat Al marifa (Knowledge Portal), which includes numerous numbers of published proceedings of IMSIU conferences and its publications.

All those colleges and institutions provide programs that contribute to the IMSIU’s Mission stated as: "The mission of IMSIU is to nurture the intellect, creativity and moral values of men and women for leadership and service to society through high-quality learning and research. Guided by its Islamic traditions, IMSIU integrates academic excellence and Islamic commitment to building a peaceful, prosperous and caring world.

IMSIU has 13 colleges that offer BA, MA, MSc and PhD degrees in Shari'ah, Religion Fundamentals, Arabic language, social sciences, media and communication, languages and translation, computer science and information science, economics and administrative sciences, medicine, and engineering. Postgraduate programs are supervised by the Deanship of Graduate Studies whose mission centers around offering advanced graduate programs in education, learning and research to contribute to the production and dissemination of knowledge.

The university is considered as home to the Institute of Translation and Arabization, a facility dedicated to the translation of Arabic texts to foreign languages, and translation of foreign language texts into Arabic. The language of instruction is Arabic in most programs except the colleges of medicine, science, engineering, computer sciences, and languages and translation.  Since its foundation, Al-IMSIU endeavours to boost the total quality of the institutions and community welfare through distinct academic programs, Academic Research and scholarly activities, and community outreach and partnership. 

See this video about IMSIU (http://cutt.us/z2gbz).

IMSIU provides several academic andnon-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing,sports facilities and/or activities, financial aids and/or scholarships, studyabroad and exchange programs, online courses and e-learning and distanceeducation opportunities, as well as administrative services. In addition, IMSIUprovides a public education (primary, secondary) through its sixty-sixinstitutes that in all KSA regions.

IMSIU libraries ensure the availability of appropriate resources,facilities, and equipment that can fulfil educational and research needs andrequirements. Accordingly, it provides suitable resources and references forthe university programs, in addition to suitable facilities and equipment thatthe programs require. Additionally, the libraries linked to Al Fehres Al Araby,the Arabic Index that enable users to access the bibliographic data of variousinformation sources. In addition, an agreement was made with the World DigitalLibrary to access OCLC network to enable users to search forbooks and journals in Arabic and English. Another agreement was made withPrincess Nourah University, and another agreement was made with the SaudiDigital Library (SDL) to facilitate users reach to scientific journals anddatabases. Hence, these agreements provide IMSIU community with all means ofaccess to various information sources via electronic databases, researchmaterial, and scientific journals. As the table below shows, the IMSIU libraryhas a good amount of collections. The library is equipped with easy-to-use andcost-effective copying machines, in addition to the availability of adequatefacilities for the use of portable PCs. IMSIU evaluates periodically theservices, facilities and resources and compares that with some othereducational institutions of similar size and programs. The Deanship of Libraries Affairs and otherunits that have learning resources have a very clear set of policies and procedures forall its activities like evaluation and assessment of learning resources andfacilities and making orders for new books and scientific references, renewingand placing new orders for online international digital libraries, periodical subscriptions, otherscientific database subscriptions, and renewing and maintaining equipment. 

IMSIU has ensured adequacy of labs and their quality, safety andequipment through the Permanent Committee of Furnishing. All the buildings,facilities, and equipment within the university premises are very wellmaintained and have high health and safety standards thus enabling theuniversity in providing its students with an outstanding environment thatencourages academic development, counselling and productive researches. 

The university strives to ensure balance provision of educationalresources, equipment, and facilities for both male and female sections. Maleand female students have equal access to academic programs, learning resources,and support services. In each section, there are similar facilities suchas cafeterias, copying centers,rest areas, car park, mini-shopping centers,etc. Communication.




IMSIU provides the student with comfort campus residences that are the safe, secure, and healthy environment. The Deanship of Student Affairs oversees (through specialists such as security, housing and restaurant supervisors) students’ residences and organises sports, social, cultural events throughout the academic year. The university provides students’ residences with appropriate facilities for athletes, private study, prayers, car parking, restaurants, cafeteria, and medical services. Students’ residency behaviors managed by a well-defined code of conduct. All these services at residences are evaluated and tracked by periodic maintenance units. For full detail about students’ housing, click here.


IMSIU subsidize meals for students at the cafeterias. Apart from the students’ cafeterias, you find many restaurants and cafés around the main campus where students like to go and meals and snacks are relatively cheap.

Disabled Students

IMSIU takes care of students with a physical and/or psychical impairment and a team helps in offers counselling and information about studying and student life.



Studying at IMSIU is free of charge and students do not have to pay any fees for regular education BA, MA and PhD. However, there are tuition fees for additional programs that are offered to internal and external students who usually take evening classes due to their circumstances.

Health Insurance

Students can get free treatment at the IMSIU clinic and can be transferred to specialists outside Campus for free.



IMSIU awards full scholarship to many students from outside the country on a yearly basis. Those students are given free housing, free health treatment, in addition to a monthly allowance.


IMSIU offers psychological counselling service to support to students and applicants with, applying psychological methods and psychotherapies for free.



IMSIU offers the opportunity for self-development through programs at reduced fees, given by IMSIU Community Services Center. Such programs include languages, computer, and different life skills.


Sport Facilities

IMSIU has excellent sports facilities that are totally free of change. These include swimming pools, playgrounds, and different sports facilities that suits everybody.



IMSIU has a fair and comprehensive admission system with a high level of satisfaction. IMSIU endeavors to admit students with outstanding qualification records that meet the university admission requirements. The university has clear admission criteria and policies that is published publicly and on the website. Admission indicators are covered by implementing most of the related best practices.

The university has an online admission system open to all prospective students through the electronic system called Banner. Student data recorded during the admission process is accessible when requested for other services related to admission. This system generates academic transcripts and other services, which is also connected to other sub-systems related to library, emails, housing, grants, fees and students’ ID’s services.

The complete admission process is evaluated fairly by admission satisfaction surveys. The results drawn from the analysis of these surveys are used in development and improvement processes. The University ensures that all procedures and requirements pertaining to students’ applications, admission and degrees awarded are authentic and applied to all students equitably. All students’ admission applications are evaluated fairly and transparently, and the results of the evaluation are announced publicly on the university’s site, SMS, Email and social media to the students.

The Deanship of Admissions and Registration manages and oversees student admissions and registration activities, supports grade entry, maintains student records, monitors student academic progression and retention, ensures program completion verification, handles transfer credits, and organizes and select courses timetables.

The university has a comprehensive learning resources orientation program for new students and various other focused learning resources training programs for enhancing research skills of students. It is worth mentioning that regular students do not pay tuition fees, while distant-learning students are required to pay.

 Teaching Staff Recruitment

Deanship of Faculty Affairs (DFA) centrally manages all the administrative staff and faculty recruitment processes. The DFA comprises of various departments and units. These departments and units manage all the male and female recruitment related issues throughout the university. DFA’s current strategies, policies, and procedures clearly depict the university’s institutional level commitment for enriching its workforce in both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

The need for new recruitment is determined by the programs themselves depending on the number of students, courses and sections. There are usually accurate statistics on the number of students, teaching staff, and courses provided by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. Such requests must be discussed and approved by the University Council. Accordingly, the university has not only increased the number of its staff, but it has also shown exceptional progress in steadily enhancing the quality of its current staff.

IMSIU has different units for training which ensure that the staff is regularly provided with ample workshops, opportunities for international conferences and oversees training workshops for professional and personal development. The university rewards its faculty and administrative staff for outstanding performance by publicly announcing the outstanding performance awards.   


Students and Grads

IMSIU created a new electronic system called “Khirreej” meaning “alumni”, which follows up current and old graduates for the sake of enhancing IMSIU outcomes and the extent to which graduates are employed. Also, Khirreej attempts to find out the direction of graduates, whether to the employment of further studies, in addition to making an alignment between programs and careers. If not, what training programs graduates had to take to be more suitable and eligible for their jobs.  Khirreej is being updated to be more connected with employers as is the case with alumni in order to get feedback from employers as to the required skills and knowledge which our graduates appear to be lacking.  As shown below, this system provides a dashboard for academic directors to consider when improving their programs and quality. It gives information about the number of participants in the survey, their current jobs, types of jobs, other sources of income for alumni, job satisfaction, the relationship between current job and the program taken. 



Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) is a comprehensive government higher education institution; with its main campuses in Riyadh, the Capital City of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one for male students and one for females.  The University was originally formed from the amalgamation of the Islamic Law College and the Arabic Language College in Riyadh and was officially established by royal decree in 1951. The university's strengths lies in its Islamic foundations and contribution to local and international society in almost all aspects.

The university has contributed largely to the country's leadership since many graduates have held high leading positions in the country. It is a tuition-free institution and it offers a scholarship ( http://cutt.us/WL3FL ) to students around the world, and at the moment there are more than 7405 international students studying at different colleges.

The university has 13 Colleges and 3 Institutes. It currently has more than 60609 students and 5310 faculty members.  IMSIU has a good employability rate of around 43%. The university as a cultural and intellectual institution aims to promote knowledge offering undergraduate as well as postgraduate studies. IMSIU also has internal TV Channel, College Studio and Miraat Aljamah (a weekly published newspaper). Some colleges have their own learning resources such as Virtual Court in the Higher Judicial Institute, and Hadith Lab in the College of Religion Fundamentals. IMSIU also has what is called Bawabat Al marifa (Knowledge Portal), which includes numerous numbers of published proceedings of IMSIU conferences and its publications.

All those colleges and institutions provide programs that contribute to the IMSIU’s Mission stated as: "The mission of IMSIU is to nurture the intellect, creativity and moral values of men and women for leadership and service to society through high-quality learning and research. Guided by its Islamic traditions, IMSIU integrates academic excellence and Islamic commitment to building a peaceful, prosperous and caring world.

IMSIU has 13 colleges that offer BA, MA, MSc and PhD degrees in Shari'ah, Religion Fundamentals, Arabic language, social sciences, media and communication, languages and translation, computer science and information science, economics and administrative sciences, medicine, and engineering. Postgraduate programs are supervised by the Deanship of Graduate Studies whose mission centers around offering advanced graduate programs in education, learning and research to contribute to the production and dissemination of knowledge.

The university is considered as home to the Institute of Translation and Arabization, a facility dedicated to the translation of Arabic texts to foreign languages, and translation of foreign language texts into Arabic. The language of instruction is Arabic in most programs except the colleges of medicine, science, engineering, computer sciences, and languages and translation.  Since its foundation, Al-IMSIU endeavours to boost the total quality of the institutions and community welfare through distinct academic programs, Academic Research and scholarly activities, and community outreach and partnership. 

See this video about IMSIU (http://cutt.us/z2gbz).

IMSIU provides several academic andnon-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing,sports facilities and/or activities, financial aids and/or scholarships, studyabroad and exchange programs, online courses and e-learning and distanceeducation opportunities, as well as administrative services. In addition, IMSIUprovides a public education (primary, secondary) through its sixty-sixinstitutes that in all KSA regions.

IMSIU libraries ensure the availability of appropriate resources,facilities, and equipment that can fulfil educational and research needs andrequirements. Accordingly, it provides suitable resources and references forthe university programs, in addition to suitable facilities and equipment thatthe programs require. Additionally, the libraries linked to Al Fehres Al Araby,the Arabic Index that enable users to access the bibliographic data of variousinformation sources. In addition, an agreement was made with the World DigitalLibrary to access OCLC network to enable users to search forbooks and journals in Arabic and English. Another agreement was made withPrincess Nourah University, and another agreement was made with the SaudiDigital Library (SDL) to facilitate users reach to scientific journals anddatabases. Hence, these agreements provide IMSIU community with all means ofaccess to various information sources via electronic databases, researchmaterial, and scientific journals. As the table below shows, the IMSIU libraryhas a good amount of collections. The library is equipped with easy-to-use andcost-effective copying machines, in addition to the availability of adequatefacilities for the use of portable PCs. IMSIU evaluates periodically theservices, facilities and resources and compares that with some othereducational institutions of similar size and programs. The Deanship of Libraries Affairs and otherunits that have learning resources have a very clear set of policies and procedures forall its activities like evaluation and assessment of learning resources andfacilities and making orders for new books and scientific references, renewingand placing new orders for online international digital libraries, periodical subscriptions, otherscientific database subscriptions, and renewing and maintaining equipment. 

IMSIU has ensured adequacy of labs and their quality, safety andequipment through the Permanent Committee of Furnishing. All the buildings,facilities, and equipment within the university premises are very wellmaintained and have high health and safety standards thus enabling theuniversity in providing its students with an outstanding environment thatencourages academic development, counselling and productive researches. 

The university strives to ensure balance provision of educationalresources, equipment, and facilities for both male and female sections. Maleand female students have equal access to academic programs, learning resources,and support services. In each section, there are similar facilities suchas cafeterias, copying centers,rest areas, car park, mini-shopping centers,etc. Communication.




IMSIU provides the student with comfort campus residences that are the safe, secure, and healthy environment. The Deanship of Student Affairs oversees (through specialists such as security, housing and restaurant supervisors) students’ residences and organises sports, social, cultural events throughout the academic year. The university provides students’ residences with appropriate facilities for athletes, private study, prayers, car parking, restaurants, cafeteria, and medical services. Students’ residency behaviors managed by a well-defined code of conduct. All these services at residences are evaluated and tracked by periodic maintenance units. For full detail about students’ housing, click here.


IMSIU subsidize meals for students at the cafeterias. Apart from the students’ cafeterias, you find many restaurants and cafés around the main campus where students like to go and meals and snacks are relatively cheap.

Disabled Students

IMSIU takes care of students with a physical and/or psychical impairment and a team helps in offers counselling and information about studying and student life.



Studying at IMSIU is free of charge and students do not have to pay any fees for regular education BA, MA and PhD. However, there are tuition fees for additional programs that are offered to internal and external students who usually take evening classes due to their circumstances.

Health Insurance

Students can get free treatment at the IMSIU clinic and can be transferred to specialists outside Campus for free.



IMSIU awards full scholarship to many students from outside the country on a yearly basis. Those students are given free housing, free health treatment, in addition to a monthly allowance.


IMSIU offers psychological counselling service to support to students and applicants with, applying psychological methods and psychotherapies for free.



IMSIU offers the opportunity for self-development through programs at reduced fees, given by IMSIU Community Services Center. Such programs include languages, computer, and different life skills.


Sport Facilities

IMSIU has excellent sports facilities that are totally free of change. These include swimming pools, playgrounds, and different sports facilities that suits everybody.



IMSIU has a fair and comprehensive admission system with a high level of satisfaction. IMSIU endeavors to admit students with outstanding qualification records that meet the university admission requirements. The university has clear admission criteria and policies that is published publicly and on the website. Admission indicators are covered by implementing most of the related best practices.

The university has an online admission system open to all prospective students through the electronic system called Banner. Student data recorded during the admission process is accessible when requested for other services related to admission. This system generates academic transcripts and other services, which is also connected to other sub-systems related to library, emails, housing, grants, fees and students’ ID’s services.

The complete admission process is evaluated fairly by admission satisfaction surveys. The results drawn from the analysis of these surveys are used in development and improvement processes. The University ensures that all procedures and requirements pertaining to students’ applications, admission and degrees awarded are authentic and applied to all students equitably. All students’ admission applications are evaluated fairly and transparently, and the results of the evaluation are announced publicly on the university’s site, SMS, Email and social media to the students.

The Deanship of Admissions and Registration manages and oversees student admissions and registration activities, supports grade entry, maintains student records, monitors student academic progression and retention, ensures program completion verification, handles transfer credits, and organizes and select courses timetables.

The university has a comprehensive learning resources orientation program for new students and various other focused learning resources training programs for enhancing research skills of students. It is worth mentioning that regular students do not pay tuition fees, while distant-learning students are required to pay.

 Teaching Staff Recruitment

Deanship of Faculty Affairs (DFA) centrally manages all the administrative staff and faculty recruitment processes. The DFA comprises of various departments and units. These departments and units manage all the male and female recruitment related issues throughout the university. DFA’s current strategies, policies, and procedures clearly depict the university’s institutional level commitment for enriching its workforce in both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

The need for new recruitment is determined by the programs themselves depending on the number of students, courses and sections. There are usually accurate statistics on the number of students, teaching staff, and courses provided by the Deanship of Admission and Registration. Such requests must be discussed and approved by the University Council. Accordingly, the university has not only increased the number of its staff, but it has also shown exceptional progress in steadily enhancing the quality of its current staff.

IMSIU has different units for training which ensure that the staff is regularly provided with ample workshops, opportunities for international conferences and oversees training workshops for professional and personal development. The university rewards its faculty and administrative staff for outstanding performance by publicly announcing the outstanding performance awards.   


Students and Grads

IMSIU created a new electronic system called “Khirreej” meaning “alumni”, which follows up current and old graduates for the sake of enhancing IMSIU outcomes and the extent to which graduates are employed. Also, Khirreej attempts to find out the direction of graduates, whether to the employment of further studies, in addition to making an alignment between programs and careers. If not, what training programs graduates had to take to be more suitable and eligible for their jobs.  Khirreej is being updated to be more connected with employers as is the case with alumni in order to get feedback from employers as to the required skills and knowledge which our graduates appear to be lacking.  As shown below, this system provides a dashboard for academic directors to consider when improving their programs and quality. It gives information about the number of participants in the survey, their current jobs, types of jobs, other sources of income for alumni, job satisfaction, the relationship between current job and the program taken. 


Available programs

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2012
    #401- 450
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations

Riyadh, SA,

Riyadh , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia ,

King Abdullah City for Female Students,

Riyadh , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia ,


Al-Ahsa , Al-Ahsa , Saudi Arabia ,

The Islamic Institute in Djibouti,

Djibouti , Djibouti , Djibouti ,

+ 1 More Locations
Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University advanced Public Medium 11 no 2076 XL EN