Dokuz Eylul University was established on the 20th of July 1982 under Decree No. 41: "On the Organization of Institutions of Higher Education" with the aim of training people in a wide range of disciplines like health, economy, art, engineering, etc. in order to contribute to the financial, technical and social development of our society. In its foundation, • Faculty of Fine Arts,• Faculty of Law,• Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,• Faculty of Engineering,• Faculty of Architecture,• Faculty of Medicine,• Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology,• Vocational School of Judicial Practices,• Aydın School of Tourism and Hotel Management
Dokuz Eylul University was established on the 20th of July 1982 under Decree No. 41: "On the Organization of Institutions of Higher Education" with the aim of training people in a wide range of disciplines like health, economy, art, engineering, etc. in order to contribute to the financial, technical and social development of our society. In its foundation, • Faculty of Fine Arts,• Faculty of Law,• Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,• Faculty of Engineering,• Faculty of Architecture,• Faculty of Medicine,• Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology,• Vocational School of Judicial Practices,• Aydın School of Tourism and Hotel Management
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