Gazi Üniversitesi

Emniyet Mh., Ankara

  • #901-950 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 39,503Total Students
  • 2,245Faculty
  • 1,597Int'l Students


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In 1976, it took the name 'Gazi Institute of Education'. In 1982, with the act numbered 2809, this institution was converted to Gazi University. As a matter of fact, this is the continuation of the tradition under a new name which has started with the Republic. Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, Ankara College of Technical Teachers, Ankara Girls' College of Technical Teachers also played an equal role in the formation of the tradition. Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences was already like a university when it was united with Gazi University. In those days, today’s departments of Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Faculty of Medicine, College of Dentistry and College of Pharmacology which would later be the College of Journalism and Public Relations whose name would later be changed to Faculty of Communication, carried out education depending upon the academy. Ankara Academy of State Engineering and Architecture was also a part of Gazi University.


In 1976, it took the name 'Gazi Institute of Education'. In 1982, with the act numbered 2809, this institution was converted to Gazi University. As a matter of fact, this is the continuation of the tradition under a new name which has started with the Republic. Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, Ankara College of Technical Teachers, Ankara Girls' College of Technical Teachers also played an equal role in the formation of the tradition. Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences was already like a university when it was united with Gazi University. In those days, today’s departments of Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Faculty of Medicine, College of Dentistry and College of Pharmacology which would later be the College of Journalism and Public Relations whose name would later be changed to Faculty of Communication, carried out education depending upon the academy. Ankara Academy of State Engineering and Architecture was also a part of Gazi University.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Main Campus,

Emniyet Mh. , Ankara , Türkiye , 06560

Beşevler Campus,

Emniyet Mh. , Ankara , Türkiye , 06560

Emek Campus,

Mevlana Bul. , Ankara , Türkiye ,

Gölbaşı Campus,

Gölbaşı Bahçelievler Mh. , Ankara , Türkiye , 06830

Maltepe Campus,

Eti Mah. Yükseliş Sokak No:5 , Ankara , Türkiye ,

OSTİM Campus,

Ostim Mah. Cevat Dündar Cad. , Ankara , Türkiye ,

Polatlı Campus,

Polatlı TOKİ Konutları , Ankara , Türkiye , 06900

Çankaya Campus,

Tunus Cd. No:35 , Ankara , Türkiye , 06680

Kahramankazan Yerleşkesi,

Aydın Mahallesi Aydın Küme Evleri , Ankara , Türkiye , 06980

+ 6 More Locations

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English language requirements

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