« Gebze Technical University (GTU;established in 1992 as Gebze Institute of Technology, GYTE) is a research-oriented state university located in theMarmara Region of Turkey, with the primary goal of accommodating the needs of18 Organized Industrial Zones (OIZs) and 35 R&D facilities in the area soas to contribute to the state-of-the-art research. GTU has dedicated all itsresources to high-tech research in its 9 undergraduate and 31 graduate programsin Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology andGenetics), Management (Management, Economy, Strategy), Architecture(Architecture, Industrial Design, Urban and Region Planning), and Engineering(Computer Eng., Environmental Eng., Civil Eng., Earthquake and Structural Eng.,Electronics Eng., Geodetic and Photogrammetric Eng., Chemical Eng., MechanicalEng., Materials Science and Eng.). GTU has currently more than 3000 undergraduate and4400 graduate students and employs more than 500 academic personnel.There are 41 research laboratories, which are fully equipped with the latest intechnology, as well as 4 research and application centers. The campus of theuniversity is a 245,000 square meter green area. The Gebze Technical Universityis committed to conduct advanced level scientific and technological research,education, training, production, publication and consultancy, to contribute tothe competitive power of the national industry, produce and apply moderntechnologies.
« Gebze Technical University (GTU;established in 1992 as Gebze Institute of Technology, GYTE) is a research-oriented state university located in theMarmara Region of Turkey, with the primary goal of accommodating the needs of18 Organized Industrial Zones (OIZs) and 35 R&D facilities in the area soas to contribute to the state-of-the-art research. GTU has dedicated all itsresources to high-tech research in its 9 undergraduate and 31 graduate programsin Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology andGenetics), Management (Management, Economy, Strategy), Architecture(Architecture, Industrial Design, Urban and Region Planning), and Engineering(Computer Eng., Environmental Eng., Civil Eng., Earthquake and Structural Eng.,Electronics Eng., Geodetic and Photogrammetric Eng., Chemical Eng., MechanicalEng., Materials Science and Eng.). GTU has currently more than 3000 undergraduate and4400 graduate students and employs more than 500 academic personnel.There are 41 research laboratories, which are fully equipped with the latest intechnology, as well as 4 research and application centers. The campus of theuniversity is a 245,000 square meter green area. The Gebze Technical Universityis committed to conduct advanced level scientific and technological research,education, training, production, publication and consultancy, to contribute tothe competitive power of the national industry, produce and apply moderntechnologies.
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