Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH)

  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 26,077Total Students
  • 1,124Faculty
  • 406Int'l Students


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Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City was formerly Go Vap Vocational School founded by Don Bosco priests on November 11, 1956 at Hanh Thong commune, Go Vap District, Gia Dinh Province. In 1968, the school was renamed as the Don Bosco Private Junior High School of Technology. Until January 31, 1970 the school was upgraded to be the Don Bosco Private Junior High School of Technology, shortly referred to as the Don Bosco High School of Engineering . After the day of peace and reunification, the Southern Liberation Army took over the school and on December 19, 1975 the School was handed over to the General Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Electronics. In 1978, the School was renamed as the School of Engineering IV belonging to The Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy. By 1994, the school was merged with the Chemical High School II in Bien Hoa City  to become  the Industrial Engineering School IV under the management of The Ministry of Industry. In March 1999, the school was upgraded to become Industrial College IV and in December 2004 the college was upgraded to become Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City according to the Decision of 214/2004/QD - TTg by the Prime Minister. The university is currently one of the  big educational and training institutions  in Vietnam.

Besides enhancing professional quality of the administrative and teaching staff, investing the best facilities in teaching, learning and action research, the university also pays much attention to providing high quality training services for thousands of students from almost areas nationwide. Students at IUH are taught not only foreign languages and computer skills but also supporting knowledge such as communicative skills, behavioral skills, group work skills, teach oneself method and method of doing researches, etc. Being close to industry, students always have opportunities to practice at businesses and service companies, especially working at foreign invested companies where they can directly see new technologies applied in manufacture, develop practical skills and be familiar with modern working environment.  


Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City was formerly Go Vap Vocational School founded by Don Bosco priests on November 11, 1956 at Hanh Thong commune, Go Vap District, Gia Dinh Province. In 1968, the school was renamed as the Don Bosco Private Junior High School of Technology. Until January 31, 1970 the school was upgraded to be the Don Bosco Private Junior High School of Technology, shortly referred to as the Don Bosco High School of Engineering . After the day of peace and reunification, the Southern Liberation Army took over the school and on December 19, 1975 the School was handed over to the General Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Electronics. In 1978, the School was renamed as the School of Engineering IV belonging to The Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy. By 1994, the school was merged with the Chemical High School II in Bien Hoa City  to become  the Industrial Engineering School IV under the management of The Ministry of Industry. In March 1999, the school was upgraded to become Industrial College IV and in December 2004 the college was upgraded to become Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City according to the Decision of 214/2004/QD - TTg by the Prime Minister. The university is currently one of the  big educational and training institutions  in Vietnam.

Besides enhancing professional quality of the administrative and teaching staff, investing the best facilities in teaching, learning and action research, the university also pays much attention to providing high quality training services for thousands of students from almost areas nationwide. Students at IUH are taught not only foreign languages and computer skills but also supporting knowledge such as communicative skills, behavioral skills, group work skills, teach oneself method and method of doing researches, etc. Being close to industry, students always have opportunities to practice at businesses and service companies, especially working at foreign invested companies where they can directly see new technologies applied in manufacture, develop practical skills and be familiar with modern working environment.  

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Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) basic Public High 23 no 406 L EN