Universidad de El Salvador - UES

San Salvador

  • PublicStatus
  • LowResearch Output
  • 49,141Total Students


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The University of El Salvador is the only public university located in the country of El Salvador. As well as its main campus in the city of San Salvador, it also has regional campuses in Santa Ana, San Miguel, and San Vicente. Originally founded in 1841, the university today has over 81,000 students enrolled. A total of 169 degrees are offered by the university. More information about each available program can be found on the university’s official website.


The University of El Salvador is the only public university located in the country of El Salvador. As well as its main campus in the city of San Salvador, it also has regional campuses in Santa Ana, San Miguel, and San Vicente. Originally founded in 1841, the university today has over 81,000 students enrolled. A total of 169 degrees are offered by the university. More information about each available program can be found on the university’s official website.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


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Campus locations

San Salvador, SV,

San Salvador , El Salvador ,

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