Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua


  • PublicStatus
  • LowResearch Output
  • 29,488Total Students
  • 2,079Faculty


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Located in the Nicaraguan capital city of Managua, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua was first established in 1812. There is also a secondary campus, mostly used by medicine students, which is located in the nearby city of León. This second campus is actually the university’s original site when it first opened. Teaching at the university is split into five faculties: medical science, economic science, POLISAL (health polytechnic), education & humanities, and science & engineering. More information about the university can be found on their official website.


Located in the Nicaraguan capital city of Managua, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua was first established in 1812. There is also a secondary campus, mostly used by medicine students, which is located in the nearby city of León. This second campus is actually the university’s original site when it first opened. Teaching at the university is split into five faculties: medical science, economic science, POLISAL (health polytechnic), education & humanities, and science & engineering. More information about the university can be found on their official website.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


Total faculty staff


Total students

Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Managua, NI,

Managua , Nicaragua ,

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