Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - UNC

Av. Haya de la Torre s/n Pabellón Argentina, Córdoba

  • #901-950 QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 119,259Total Students
  • 6,442Faculty
  • 1,385Int'l Students


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TOWARDS 400 YEARS OF HISTORYThe National University of Cordoba (UNC) is a leading teaching and research university located in Cordoba, one of the most important and fast-growing cities of Argentina.UNC was founded in 1613. A rich history of events turned it into an important center of cultural, scientific, political and social influence for the country and the region. In 1918 UNC students were the protagonists of the University Reform Movement, a major turning point in the history of Latin American universities. More than 108.000 students make UNC university life vibrant. Academic and cultural activities take place in UNC Campus, 109 hectares home to most faculties, schools, and sports fields and also downtown, where UNC libraries, museums, and one astronomical observatory are located. UNC offers 90 undergraduate and 160 postgraduate degrees across 12 faculties and 98 research institutes.UNC understands the internationalization of higher education as a main principle for institutional strengthening and a strategy for improving academic quality. It encourages student and staff mobility and international project participation and funding. UNC fosters regional integration and development through promoting academic networks and joint research.


TOWARDS 400 YEARS OF HISTORYThe National University of Cordoba (UNC) is a leading teaching and research university located in Cordoba, one of the most important and fast-growing cities of Argentina.UNC was founded in 1613. A rich history of events turned it into an important center of cultural, scientific, political and social influence for the country and the region. In 1918 UNC students were the protagonists of the University Reform Movement, a major turning point in the history of Latin American universities. More than 108.000 students make UNC university life vibrant. Academic and cultural activities take place in UNC Campus, 109 hectares home to most faculties, schools, and sports fields and also downtown, where UNC libraries, museums, and one astronomical observatory are located. UNC offers 90 undergraduate and 160 postgraduate degrees across 12 faculties and 98 research institutes.UNC understands the internationalization of higher education as a main principle for institutional strengthening and a strategy for improving academic quality. It encourages student and staff mobility and international project participation and funding. UNC fosters regional integration and development through promoting academic networks and joint research.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2012
    #451- 500
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Ciudad Universitaria,

Av. Haya de la Torre s/n Pabellón Argentina , Córdoba , Cordoba , Argentina , 5000

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