University of Miyazaki

1-1, Gakuen Kibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki-shi

  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 5,518Total Students
  • 549Faculty
  • 178Int'l Students


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The University of Miyazaki will take an important step forward in April 2016 by opening our new Faculty of Regional Innovation. This addition will bring our total number of faculties to five, along with our faculties of Agriculture, Education, Engineering, and Medicine. The new faculty will span a range of different disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences as well as agriculture and engineering. In bringing together faculty members specializing in both the humanities and sciences, the Faculty of Regional Innovation will aim to provide education of practical value that also optimally utilizes the resources of our region. A task for us as we move forward will be to specialize university functions while also enhancing individualization. Simply put, we need to bring out the distinctive qualities of the University of Miyazaki—as encapsulated in our slogan: Look at the World, Start with the Community. Examples of how the University of Miyazaki is enhancing its specialization and individuality can be seen in our Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, our Graduate School of Education, and our Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. In those and other cases we are bringing together different academic disciplines to forge innovative new research and educational initiatives, while also building the networks needed to meet the needs of local communities. We continue to demonstrate our unique qualities as a university by advancing research in our core disciplines, which include life sciences, environmental science, food science, and energy science.


The University of Miyazaki will take an important step forward in April 2016 by opening our new Faculty of Regional Innovation. This addition will bring our total number of faculties to five, along with our faculties of Agriculture, Education, Engineering, and Medicine. The new faculty will span a range of different disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences as well as agriculture and engineering. In bringing together faculty members specializing in both the humanities and sciences, the Faculty of Regional Innovation will aim to provide education of practical value that also optimally utilizes the resources of our region. A task for us as we move forward will be to specialize university functions while also enhancing individualization. Simply put, we need to bring out the distinctive qualities of the University of Miyazaki—as encapsulated in our slogan: Look at the World, Start with the Community. Examples of how the University of Miyazaki is enhancing its specialization and individuality can be seen in our Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, our Graduate School of Education, and our Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. In those and other cases we are bringing together different academic disciplines to forge innovative new research and educational initiatives, while also building the networks needed to meet the needs of local communities. We continue to demonstrate our unique qualities as a university by advancing research in our core disciplines, which include life sciences, environmental science, food science, and energy science.

University highlights

Student & Staff

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International students


Total faculty staff


Total students

International students

Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

1-1, Gakuen Kibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki-shi, JP,

1-1, Gakuen Kibanadai-nishi , Miyazaki-shi , Kyushu , Japan , 889-2192

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