Vyatka State University

Vyatka State University, Kirov

  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 9,722Total Students
  • 789Faculty
  • 264Int'l Students


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Vyatka State University is one of the Russian classical universities located in Kirov, the regional center of the Kirov region. Vyatka State University is the main "supplier" of personnel with professional education for leading sectors of the regional economy and authorities. It was established as a higher technical educational institution, inextricably linked with the region’s manufacturing industry. Today Vyatka State University successfully combines traditions and innovations in the field of higher technical education with humanities. Vyatka State University implements the educational activities including 9 institutions. The university has a well-developed infrastructure: 23 educational buildings, dormitories, a sports complex, a swimming pool, a library, centers of excellence and centers of competence, an engineering center, research and educational centers, research laboratories and small innovative enterprises. The university provides special conditions for the persons with disabilities.Personnel. Information number of Vyatka State University employees – 1203; teaching staff – 749;  Doctors of Science and Professors – 72 Candidates of Science and Associate Professors – 514.Educational Activity The University is licensed for: 80 specialities and areas of Higher Professional Education, 9 specialities of Secondary Professional Education The University’s students and members of the faculty; managers and specialists of Kirov and Kirov region companies can enjoy any of the 70 programs of additional vocational training. The university trains more than 20,000  students of whom: more than 10,000  full-time students;  438 evening courses students;  9740 correspondence students. Certain fundamental and applied researches in areas of regional, federal and international significance are being carried out. 


Vyatka State University is one of the Russian classical universities located in Kirov, the regional center of the Kirov region. Vyatka State University is the main "supplier" of personnel with professional education for leading sectors of the regional economy and authorities. It was established as a higher technical educational institution, inextricably linked with the region’s manufacturing industry. Today Vyatka State University successfully combines traditions and innovations in the field of higher technical education with humanities. Vyatka State University implements the educational activities including 9 institutions. The university has a well-developed infrastructure: 23 educational buildings, dormitories, a sports complex, a swimming pool, a library, centers of excellence and centers of competence, an engineering center, research and educational centers, research laboratories and small innovative enterprises. The university provides special conditions for the persons with disabilities.Personnel. Information number of Vyatka State University employees – 1203; teaching staff – 749;  Doctors of Science and Professors – 72 Candidates of Science and Associate Professors – 514.Educational Activity The University is licensed for: 80 specialities and areas of Higher Professional Education, 9 specialities of Secondary Professional Education The University’s students and members of the faculty; managers and specialists of Kirov and Kirov region companies can enjoy any of the 70 programs of additional vocational training. The university trains more than 20,000  students of whom: more than 10,000  full-time students;  438 evening courses students;  9740 correspondence students. Certain fundamental and applied researches in areas of regional, federal and international significance are being carried out. 

University highlights

EECA University Rankings

  • 2021
  • 2022

Student & Staff

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International students


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Total students


International students


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Campus locations

Vyatka State University,

Vyatka State University , Kirov , Russia , 61000

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