Halmstad University undertakes outstanding research in which many academic areas attain national — and in many cases international — levels of quality. Research contributes to general knowledge development and the University's commitment to society and community development is extensive through close cooperation with the business and public sectors, both in the region and throughout the country as a whole. A significant proportion of the University's research takes place in networks involving close collaboration with companies and organisations. Three Areas of Strength The University's multidisciplinary profile — building on collaborative outreach ventures of knowledge and involving three areas of strength — can be seen clearly in the university's various research environments. The area of strength Organisation, Region and Society includes research into innovation and entrepreneurship, societal change, the environment, learning, management and media. The area of strength Products, Processes and Services includes research into embedded systems, intelligent systems, machine technological product development, IT and applied mathematics and physics. The third and final area, Quality of Life, Welfare and Culture includes research into the disciplines of educational science, health care, sports and health, the arts and culture, welfare and wellbeing. All undergraduate degree courses and programmes are related to research and some...
Halmstad University undertakes outstanding research in which many academic areas attain national — and in many cases international — levels of quality. Research contributes to general knowledge development and the University's commitment to society and community development is extensive through close cooperation with the business and public sectors, both in the region and throughout the country as a whole. A significant proportion of the University's research takes place in networks involving close collaboration with companies and organisations. Three Areas of Strength The University's multidisciplinary profile — building on collaborative outreach ventures of knowledge and involving three areas of strength — can be seen clearly in the university's various research environments. The area of strength Organisation, Region and Society includes research into innovation and entrepreneurship, societal change, the environment, learning, management and media. The area of strength Products, Processes and Services includes research into embedded systems, intelligent systems, machine technological product development, IT and applied mathematics and physics. The third and final area, Quality of Life, Welfare and Culture includes research into the disciplines of educational science, health care, sports and health, the arts and culture, welfare and wellbeing. All undergraduate degree courses and programmes are related to research and some...