Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse

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"L'Université de Toulouse", founded in 1229, is one of the oldest universities in Europe and one of the major higher education and research institution. With a total of 115, 000 students, l'Université de Toulouse has been awarded by the french government for the quality and the diversity of its academic offer and the excellence of its far-reaching research activities. With 6 campuses in Toulouse and 1 in Tarbes and 19 research laboratories, INP Toulouse offers you the opportunity to study and do research at a dynamic and multidisciplinary university of more than 6000 students. We are currently developing our links with universities and research organisations all over the world. For the moment, we have an extensive range of European and international cooperation programmes and projects with more than 60 countries.


"L'Université de Toulouse", founded in 1229, is one of the oldest universities in Europe and one of the major higher education and research institution. With a total of 115, 000 students, l'Université de Toulouse has been awarded by the french government for the quality and the diversity of its academic offer and the excellence of its far-reaching research activities. With 6 campuses in Toulouse and 1 in Tarbes and 19 research laboratories, INP Toulouse offers you the opportunity to study and do research at a dynamic and multidisciplinary university of more than 6000 students. We are currently developing our links with universities and research organisations all over the world. For the moment, we have an extensive range of European and international cooperation programmes and projects with more than 60 countries.

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