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The Islamic Azad University (IAU) is a private university system in Iran, established in 1982 by the charter of the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution(SCCR), which is the chief and highest responsible body for accreditation of any higher education institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In other words, SCCR is a supreme body over the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The Azad University in Oxford (AUO) is one of the IAU overseas branches located at the outskirts of Oxford city in the UK. It has been established in 2004 to support the IAU international collaboration activities. Through its links with the UK universities and research centres, the AUO provides a number of services to the students and staff of IAU as well as other students and organisations around the world. In 1995, a branch was opened in Dubai.



The Islamic Azad University (IAU) is a private university system in Iran, established in 1982 by the charter of the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution(SCCR), which is the chief and highest responsible body for accreditation of any higher education institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In other words, SCCR is a supreme body over the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The Azad University in Oxford (AUO) is one of the IAU overseas branches located at the outskirts of Oxford city in the UK. It has been established in 2004 to support the IAU international collaboration activities. Through its links with the UK universities and research centres, the AUO provides a number of services to the students and staff of IAU as well as other students and organisations around the world. In 1995, a branch was opened in Dubai.


University highlights

Student & Staff

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Total faculty staff


Total students

Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Shiraz, IR,

Shiraz , Iran ,

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