
1666 Yeongsan-ro, Jeollanam-do

  • Public高校性质
  • High研究成果
  • 7,968学生人数
  • 530教员人数
  • 265国际学生人数


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The Mokpo University is located in Mokpo City, which is a key city in the southwestern region of the Korean Peninsula. The university campus is at the foothill of the Seungdal-Mountain - one of the most sacred mountains in our nation. The principal educational goal of MNU is to foster talented students and give them the ability to contribute to the prosperity of the country and the whole of humanity by teaching them the academic theories and methodologies of the fields of study in which they chose to make a difference. Due to our university's role as a key higher learning institution in Jeollanam province, we at Mokpo National University, feel motivated to help MNU grow into a competitive global university by pursuing international exchanges and partnerships with universities in the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world. We also strive to cement our reputation as a university committed to research in a wide variety of fields. MNU aims to lead regional development by fostering and producing regionally based global talents proficient in both theory and practice. Our efforts are devoted to developing human resources with strong leadership abilities to lead communities and society according to our educational philosophy ideals of...


The Mokpo University is located in Mokpo City, which is a key city in the southwestern region of the Korean Peninsula. The university campus is at the foothill of the Seungdal-Mountain - one of the most sacred mountains in our nation. The principal educational goal of MNU is to foster talented students and give them the ability to contribute to the prosperity of the country and the whole of humanity by teaching them the academic theories and methodologies of the fields of study in which they chose to make a difference. Due to our university's role as a key higher learning institution in Jeollanam province, we at Mokpo National University, feel motivated to help MNU grow into a competitive global university by pursuing international exchanges and partnerships with universities in the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world. We also strive to cement our reputation as a university committed to research in a wide variety of fields. MNU aims to lead regional development by fostering and producing regionally based global talents proficient in both theory and practice. Our efforts are devoted to developing human resources with strong leadership abilities to lead communities and society according to our educational philosophy ideals of...

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations


1666 Yeongsan-ro , Jeollanam-do , Muan , South Korea ,

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Mokpo National University basic Public High 0 no 265 M CN