National College of Ireland


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We’re committed to helping you achieve your potential. Our full and part-time courses can help you up skill, advance in your career or return to employment. We offer recognised qualifications, great student support and a friendly city centre campus. We are focused on ensuring each student receives the support and assistance necessary to realise their potential. There are many great reasons to choose NCI. Through our schools of business and computing we offer internationally recognised full and part-time programmes accredited through QQI. We work closely with industry and professional bodies such as Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Institute of Commercial Management, Irish Institute of Pensions Management, the Sales Institute of Ireland and others to ensure courses closely aligned to industry needs. Our small group teaching model and friendly atmosphere mean students find NCI a very pleasant and supportive atmosphere to study in. Students prosper in an atmosphere where they get to know lecturers, staff and their fellow students. We also have great student support in place if you are having any difficulty adjusting to third level. Many students find the general atmosphere and friendliness of NCI to be the most valuable part of their NCI experience. We welcome international...


We’re committed to helping you achieve your potential. Our full and part-time courses can help you up skill, advance in your career or return to employment. We offer recognised qualifications, great student support and a friendly city centre campus. We are focused on ensuring each student receives the support and assistance necessary to realise their potential. There are many great reasons to choose NCI. Through our schools of business and computing we offer internationally recognised full and part-time programmes accredited through QQI. We work closely with industry and professional bodies such as Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Institute of Commercial Management, Irish Institute of Pensions Management, the Sales Institute of Ireland and others to ensure courses closely aligned to industry needs. Our small group teaching model and friendly atmosphere mean students find NCI a very pleasant and supportive atmosphere to study in. Students prosper in an atmosphere where they get to know lecturers, staff and their fellow students. We also have great student support in place if you are having any difficulty adjusting to third level. Many students find the general atmosphere and friendliness of NCI to be the most valuable part of their NCI experience. We welcome international...

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