Nuffic Neso India

2502 LT, The Hague


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The Netherlands is committed to becoming a stronger competitive knowledge-based economy and to playing an important role in creating a European higher education area as set out in the Bologna Declaration and the Lisbon Strategy. To achieve these goals, it is important to make Dutch higher education accessible to talented students across the world and to encourage international cooperation and partnership between higher education institutions in the Netherlands and other countries. In addition, it is important to encourage and stimulate Dutch researchers, academics and students to go abroad to widen their horizon and enhance their international experience. In 2001, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science assigned Nuffic the task of establishing a network of Netherlands Education Support Offices (Nesos) in designated countries. Since then, Nuffic has opened Nesos in China, Taipei, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand,India,Russia,Mexico and Brazil. These Offices are funded by the Dutch education ministry. The main task of a Nuffic Neso is to promote Dutch higher education and foster international institutional cooperation in order to increase student and staff mobility and related activities. Through generic promotion of studying in Holland and tailor-made promotion (i.e. focusing on niches and top-talent) in the designated countries, Nuffic Nesos intend to...


The Netherlands is committed to becoming a stronger competitive knowledge-based economy and to playing an important role in creating a European higher education area as set out in the Bologna Declaration and the Lisbon Strategy. To achieve these goals, it is important to make Dutch higher education accessible to talented students across the world and to encourage international cooperation and partnership between higher education institutions in the Netherlands and other countries. In addition, it is important to encourage and stimulate Dutch researchers, academics and students to go abroad to widen their horizon and enhance their international experience. In 2001, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science assigned Nuffic the task of establishing a network of Netherlands Education Support Offices (Nesos) in designated countries. Since then, Nuffic has opened Nesos in China, Taipei, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand,India,Russia,Mexico and Brazil. These Offices are funded by the Dutch education ministry. The main task of a Nuffic Neso is to promote Dutch higher education and foster international institutional cooperation in order to increase student and staff mobility and related activities. Through generic promotion of studying in Holland and tailor-made promotion (i.e. focusing on niches and top-talent) in the designated countries, Nuffic Nesos intend to...

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