Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae (by its Spanish acronym), was inaugurated on December 2nd, 1964. This center received the engineering and the architecture students. It was a noble gesture to pay homage by using his name, to an undisputed student leader who became a symbol of the Cuban youth. He died fighting for the Cuban liberty. His legacy placed the political commitment and the human quality at the highest level. That is how the CUJAE sprung up; it is characterized by a vocation for the homeland, confidence in the future, and the constant... Read more
Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae (by its Spanish acronym), was inaugurated on December 2nd, 1964. This center received the engineering and the architecture students. It was a noble gesture to pay homage by using his name, to an undisputed student leader who became a symbol of the Cuban youth. He died fighting for the Cuban liberty. His legacy placed the political commitment and the human quality at the highest level. That is how the CUJAE sprung up; it is characterized by a vocation for the homeland, confidence in the future, and the constant aspiration of growing. After forty- eight years of our beginning, our goal is still the same, to form competitive professionals, with a scientific thought and committed to developing our society. For more than four decades, there have been a lot of changes regarding content, enrollment, teaching methods, perspective, and communication which has permitted to place the University in an accessible network. That is why we take advantage of this possibility to increase our contacts, exchanges, and to strengthen the relations in fruitful talks.
Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae (by its Spanish acronym), was inaugurated on December 2nd, 1964. This center received the engineering and the architecture students. It was a noble gesture to pay homage by using his name, to an undisputed student leader who became a symbol of the Cuban youth. He died fighting for the Cuban liberty. His legacy placed the political commitment and the human quality at the highest level. That is how the CUJAE sprung up; it is characterized by a vocation for the homeland, confidence in the future, and the constant... Read more
Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae (by its Spanish acronym), was inaugurated on December 2nd, 1964. This center received the engineering and the architecture students. It was a noble gesture to pay homage by using his name, to an undisputed student leader who became a symbol of the Cuban youth. He died fighting for the Cuban liberty. His legacy placed the political commitment and the human quality at the highest level. That is how the CUJAE sprung up; it is characterized by a vocation for the homeland, confidence in the future, and the constant aspiration of growing. After forty- eight years of our beginning, our goal is still the same, to form competitive professionals, with a scientific thought and committed to developing our society. For more than four decades, there have been a lot of changes regarding content, enrollment, teaching methods, perspective, and communication which has permitted to place the University in an accessible network. That is why we take advantage of this possibility to increase our contacts, exchanges, and to strengthen the relations in fruitful talks.
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