
80 undergraduate degrees (2 of which completely held in English: Psychological Science and Animal Care) and 10 single-cycle degrees (see below), 1 of which held completely in English (Medicine and Surgery):
Entry requirements for Italian-taught Bachelor's degrees are usually assessed through a written test. For English-taught Bachelor's degrees, SAT is required. For the English-taught degree programme in Medicine and Surgery, IMAT test is required.
Provides a solid background in general methods and content, as well as in specific professional skills.
Admission requirements: at least 12 years of prior education.
Leads to: Master's degree; 1st level lifelong learning course.
Duration: 3 years - 180 ECTS
Ensures advanced training for regulated professions (e.g. medicine and surgery, veterinary medicine, pharmacology) and activities requiring a high level of specialisation.
Courses in: Medicine and Surgery (available also in English starting from a.y. 2019/20), Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Techniques, Law, Building Engineering and Architecture, and Primary Teacher Education
Admission requirements: at least 12 years of prior education.
Leads to: PhD; specialisation school; postgraduate 2nd level lifelong learning course.
Duration: 5 or 6 years - 300 or 360 ECTS
Annual fees are less than €3000,00 and the payment is made in 3 instalments. Payment of university fees gives students access to all services offered by the University of Padova: www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees The total amount due can be significantly waived based on Equivalent Economic Status Index (ISEE). For further information on how to obtain your ISEE and other income-based reductions, see Key Documents.
The following page summarizes all the possibilities students have to apply for a reduced fee: www.unipd.it/en/fee-waivers
The University of Padua, the Veneto Region and other Institutions also offer a series of scholarships to support students, for example the Padua International Excellence Scholarship.
Awards for specific categories of students, e.g. students with special sport or academic achievements, are also available. For further information, please go to: www.unipd.it/en/awards
80 undergraduate degrees (2 of which completely held in English: Psychological Science and Animal Care) and 10 single-cycle degrees (see below), 1 of which held completely in English (Medicine and Surgery):
Entry requirements for Italian-taught Bachelor's degrees are usually assessed through a written test. For English-taught Bachelor's degrees, SAT is required. For the English-taught degree programme in Medicine and Surgery, IMAT test is required.
Provides a solid background in general methods and content, as well as in specific professional skills.
Admission requirements: at least 12 years of prior education.
Leads to: Master's degree; 1st level lifelong learning course.
Duration: 3 years - 180 ECTS
Ensures advanced training for regulated professions (e.g. medicine and surgery, veterinary medicine, pharmacology) and activities requiring a high level of specialisation.
Courses in: Medicine and Surgery (available also in English starting from a.y. 2019/20), Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Techniques, Law, Building Engineering and Architecture, and Primary Teacher Education
Admission requirements: at least 12 years of prior education.
Leads to: PhD; specialisation school; postgraduate 2nd level lifelong learning course.
Duration: 5 or 6 years - 300 or 360 ECTS
Annual fees are less than €3000,00 and the payment is made in 3 instalments. Payment of university fees gives students access to all services offered by the University of Padova: www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees The total amount due can be significantly waived based on Equivalent Economic Status Index (ISEE). For further information on how to obtain your ISEE and other income-based reductions, see Key Documents.
The following page summarizes all the possibilities students have to apply for a reduced fee: www.unipd.it/en/fee-waivers
The University of Padua, the Veneto Region and other Institutions also offer a series of scholarships to support students, for example the Padua International Excellence Scholarship.
Awards for specific categories of students, e.g. students with special sport or academic achievements, are also available. For further information, please go to: www.unipd.it/en/awards
Available programs
University highlights
- 2012#298
- 2014#267
- 2015#=262
- 2016#=309
- 2017#=338
- 2018#=296
- 2019#249
- 2020#=234
- 2021#216
- 2022#=242
- 2023#=243
- 2024#219
- 2025#=236
Campus locations
Via 8 Febbraio, 2, Padua, IT,
Via 8 Febbraio, 2 , Padua , Italy , 35122