
P.O.Box 110200, Jeddah

  • Private高校性质
  • Low研究成果
  • 2,579学生人数
  • 220教员人数
  • 394国际学生人数


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As known, UBT has grown gradually and progressively from a Junior College to a full fledge Four Year College (CBA) offering six programs, and in 2008 it added the College of Engineering and Information Technology offering five programs, and then in 2011 the College of Advertising joined in after being approved by the Ministry of Higher Education as the third college. On May 22nd, 2012 UBT was officially announced as the UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY by the Higher Council of the Saudi Higher Education. UBT has become a university in a short period of only 12 years. The College of Engineering (CEIT) has its own College Council whose decisions are subject to the Rector’s approval. The Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA) has no College Council yet, since it intends to start enrolling students in fall 2013. When formed, the JCA’s College Council will follow the same rules and regulations of CBA and CEIT. BOT membership has been proposed to the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and awaiting its approval. This board will consist of 19 members; 3 Owners, 4 Deans, 5 Members from other Universities, 5 external members, the Rector and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Representative. BOT’s...


As known, UBT has grown gradually and progressively from a Junior College to a full fledge Four Year College (CBA) offering six programs, and in 2008 it added the College of Engineering and Information Technology offering five programs, and then in 2011 the College of Advertising joined in after being approved by the Ministry of Higher Education as the third college. On May 22nd, 2012 UBT was officially announced as the UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY by the Higher Council of the Saudi Higher Education. UBT has become a university in a short period of only 12 years. The College of Engineering (CEIT) has its own College Council whose decisions are subject to the Rector’s approval. The Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA) has no College Council yet, since it intends to start enrolling students in fall 2013. When formed, the JCA’s College Council will follow the same rules and regulations of CBA and CEIT. BOT membership has been proposed to the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and awaiting its approval. This board will consist of 19 members; 3 Owners, 4 Deans, 5 Members from other Universities, 5 external members, the Rector and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Representative. BOT’s...

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International students


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Campus locations

Dahban Campus,

P.O.Box 110200 , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia , 21361

Jeddah Campus,

P.O.Box 110200 , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia , 21361

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University of Business and Technology basic Private Low 12 no 394 S CN