Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

59A, Tsentralnyi Prospectus, Severodonetsk

  • Public高校性质
  • Low研究成果
  • 5,445学生人数
  • 443教员人数
  • 249国际学生人数


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    Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University started its development on March 27, 1920 as the first institution of Luhansk to prepare engineers for machine-building enterprises. It had two faculties (machine-building and electro-technical) with 20 teachers and 132 students. During the World War II (1939-1945), the University was evacuated to Omsk. After returning to Luhansk, the University renewed almost from scratch. By 1960, it had been reorganized several times and that year it became Luhansk Machine-Building Institute.

    On May 8, 1993, East Ukrainian State University was created based on Luhansk Machine-Building Institute and several other educational establishments of Luhansk and Luhansk oblast by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In 2000, the University received the title of “National” and in 2001 – the name of Volodymyr Dahl.

    Unfortunately, in 2014 the University with the majority of teaching staff and students had to move to Severodonetsk, Luhansk oblast due to the military actions in Luhansk. Based on its separate structural unit (Technological Institute) the educational process was renewed.

    Understanding the challenges faced by the team, V. Dahl EUNU intensified development of distance education on the MOODLE platform. Our goal is to create a powerful Open University. The main result of this transformation is creation of open education, providing nationwide access to educational resources through the widespread use of information and educational technologies of distance learning and on this basis providing conditions for the fullest realization of citizens’ rights to education, structure and quality of which meet the needs of economic development and civil society.

    Even under these difficult circumstances, V. Dahl EUNU again confirmed the leadership in innovation and scientific potential, which it surely has had for decades. Currently, the University continues to conduct researches in engineering, humanity and chemistry.

    The University takes leading places in the national rankings. In 2015, the University was awarded with a gold medal in the nomination “Modern Programmes, Innovative Approaches and Solutions to Improve the Quality of Education”, as well as a certificate of “Quality of Publications”. The University scientists were awarded for the first place in the National Inventors Competitions “Invention-2014” and “Invention-2015”. 

    In 2016 at VII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Establishments” the University was awarded the Grand Prix “Leader of Research and Development Activity”, received the certificate “Quality of Publications”, and was awarded with a gold medal in the nomination “Psychological Support for Children and Youth in Difficult Situations”. That year V. Dahl EUNU also won “Invention of the Year” competition. 

    In 2017 the Universitywas awarded with a diploma and a gold medal in the nomination “Modern Socio-Psychological and Pedagogical Technologies of Support of Children and Adults under Conditions of Crisis Situation”. The University also received the certificate “Quality of Publications”.

    The University does not stop in its active development, striving for European standards of education, providing qualitative education, broadening partner relationships with European, Asian and American educational institutions. Currently the University has 146agreements on international cooperation with 28 countries.



    Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University started its development on March 27, 1920 as the first institution of Luhansk to prepare engineers for machine-building enterprises. It had two faculties (machine-building and electro-technical) with 20 teachers and 132 students. During the World War II (1939-1945), the University was evacuated to Omsk. After returning to Luhansk, the University renewed almost from scratch. By 1960, it had been reorganized several times and that year it became Luhansk Machine-Building Institute.

    On May 8, 1993, East Ukrainian State University was created based on Luhansk Machine-Building Institute and several other educational establishments of Luhansk and Luhansk oblast by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In 2000, the University received the title of “National” and in 2001 – the name of Volodymyr Dahl.

    Unfortunately, in 2014 the University with the majority of teaching staff and students had to move to Severodonetsk, Luhansk oblast due to the military actions in Luhansk. Based on its separate structural unit (Technological Institute) the educational process was renewed.

    Understanding the challenges faced by the team, V. Dahl EUNU intensified development of distance education on the MOODLE platform. Our goal is to create a powerful Open University. The main result of this transformation is creation of open education, providing nationwide access to educational resources through the widespread use of information and educational technologies of distance learning and on this basis providing conditions for the fullest realization of citizens’ rights to education, structure and quality of which meet the needs of economic development and civil society.

    Even under these difficult circumstances, V. Dahl EUNU again confirmed the leadership in innovation and scientific potential, which it surely has had for decades. Currently, the University continues to conduct researches in engineering, humanity and chemistry.

    The University takes leading places in the national rankings. In 2015, the University was awarded with a gold medal in the nomination “Modern Programmes, Innovative Approaches and Solutions to Improve the Quality of Education”, as well as a certificate of “Quality of Publications”. The University scientists were awarded for the first place in the National Inventors Competitions “Invention-2014” and “Invention-2015”. 

    In 2016 at VII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Establishments” the University was awarded the Grand Prix “Leader of Research and Development Activity”, received the certificate “Quality of Publications”, and was awarded with a gold medal in the nomination “Psychological Support for Children and Youth in Difficult Situations”. That year V. Dahl EUNU also won “Invention of the Year” competition. 

    In 2017 the Universitywas awarded with a diploma and a gold medal in the nomination “Modern Socio-Psychological and Pedagogical Technologies of Support of Children and Adults under Conditions of Crisis Situation”. The University also received the certificate “Quality of Publications”.

    The University does not stop in its active development, striving for European standards of education, providing qualitative education, broadening partner relationships with European, Asian and American educational institutions. Currently the University has 146agreements on international cooperation with 28 countries.


University highlights

Student & Staff

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Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Main building,

59A, Tsentralnyi Prospectus , Severodonetsk , Luhansk oblast , Ukraine , 93406

Institute of Chemical Technologies of Dahl East Ukrainian National University (the town of Rubizhne),

31, Volodimirska Street , Rubizhne , Luhansk oblast , Ukraine , 93009

Academic building,

41, Donethetskaya Street , Severodonetsk , Luhansk oblast , Ukraine , 93406

Laboratory building,

41, Donethetskaya Street , Severodonetsk , Luhansk oblast , Ukraine , 93406

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