Irkutsk State University

1, Karl Marx Street, Irkutsk

  • #1401+ QS Global World Ranking
  • PublicStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 12,953Total Students
  • 911Faculty
  • 591Int'l Students


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Irkutsk State University (ISU) is the oldest higher educational institution in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Since its opening in 1918, it became the major educational, scientific and cultural center. For decades, Irkutsk University has trained more than 80 thousand highly qualified specialists, famous scientists, teachers, and writers. Today the oldest University in Siberia keeping traditions and carrying out a particular mission of universities – saving culture and integrating institutions – is one of the most high-ranking universities in Eastern Siberia. Over 18 thousand students including 300 foreign students from 28 countries study at University. Irkutsk State University consists of institutes and faculties: - Baikal International Business School - International Institute of Economics and Linguistics - Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology - Institute of Social Sciences - Law Institute - Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies - Faculty of Geography - Faculty of Geology - Faculty of History - Faculty of Psychology - Faculty of Business Communications and Informatics - Faculty of Philology and Journalism - Faculty of Physics - Faculty of Chemistry.


Irkutsk State University (ISU) is the oldest higher educational institution in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Since its opening in 1918, it became the major educational, scientific and cultural center. For decades, Irkutsk University has trained more than 80 thousand highly qualified specialists, famous scientists, teachers, and writers. Today the oldest University in Siberia keeping traditions and carrying out a particular mission of universities – saving culture and integrating institutions – is one of the most high-ranking universities in Eastern Siberia. Over 18 thousand students including 300 foreign students from 28 countries study at University. Irkutsk State University consists of institutes and faculties: - Baikal International Business School - International Institute of Economics and Linguistics - Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology - Institute of Social Sciences - Law Institute - Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies - Faculty of Geography - Faculty of Geology - Faculty of History - Faculty of Psychology - Faculty of Business Communications and Informatics - Faculty of Philology and Journalism - Faculty of Physics - Faculty of Chemistry.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Irkutsk State University Building,

1, Karl Marx Street , Irkutsk , Russia , 664003

Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies,

5, Sukhe-Bator St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Faculty of Business Communications and Informatics,

126, Lermontov St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Faculty of Chemistry,

126 - 6, Lermontov st. , Irkutsk , Russia , 664000

Faculty of Geography,

126, Lermontov St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Faculty of Geology,

3, Lenin St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Faculty of History,

2, Chkalov St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Faculty of Physics,

20, Gagarin Blvd. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Faculty of Psychology,

2, Chkalov St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology,

20, Gagarin Blvd., Irkutsk , irkutsk , Russia ,

Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication,

8, Lenin st. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Institute of Social Sciences,

3, Lenin St. , irkutsk , Russia ,

International Institute of Economics and Linguistics,

6, Ulanbatorskaya St. , Irkutsk , Russia ,

Law Institute,

8, Ulanbatorskaya St. , irkutsk , Russia ,

Institute of Padagogy,

6, Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya , Irkutsk , Irkutsk region , Russia ,

+ 12 More Locations

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English language requirements

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