Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

Rua aceru, 247 - Morumbi, Sao Paulo

  • PrivateStatus
  • MediumResearch Output
  • 23,424Total Students
  • 861Faculty


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Located in São Paulo, the University Anhembi Morumbi (UAM) is proud to be known as the first international university in Brazil, and is a member of the world’s largest higher education network, Laureate International Universities.

UAM has been awarded three stars in the QS University Stars Rating, scoring the maximum five stars in the categories ‘employability’, ‘inclusivity’, ‘online/distance learning’, ‘teaching’ and ‘social responsibility’.

The University Anhembi Morumbi belongs to the Laureate International Universities, a global network of education institutions comprising over 70 universities spread across 25 countries.

UAM offers a number of scholarships and financing opportunities, which you can apply for here, in addition to a selection of governmental and external grants awarded to deserving applicants on the basis of merit and income, such as the FIES and PROUNI.

UAM also offers exchange opportunities to international students wishing to study in Brazil from six months up to a year. To find out more on UAM’s International Office page.


Located in São Paulo, the University Anhembi Morumbi (UAM) is proud to be known as the first international university in Brazil, and is a member of the world’s largest higher education network, Laureate International Universities.

UAM has been awarded three stars in the QS University Stars Rating, scoring the maximum five stars in the categories ‘employability’, ‘inclusivity’, ‘online/distance learning’, ‘teaching’ and ‘social responsibility’.

The University Anhembi Morumbi belongs to the Laureate International Universities, a global network of education institutions comprising over 70 universities spread across 25 countries.

UAM offers a number of scholarships and financing opportunities, which you can apply for here, in addition to a selection of governmental and external grants awarded to deserving applicants on the basis of merit and income, such as the FIES and PROUNI.

UAM also offers exchange opportunities to international students wishing to study in Brazil from six months up to a year. To find out more on UAM’s International Office page.

University highlights

Student & Staff

Total students


Total faculty staff


Total students


Total faculty staff

QS Stars is a rating system that helps you select the right university based on your interests. It provides a detailed look at an institution, identifying which universities rate highest in the specific topics that matter to you, like facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more.

Campus locations

Campus Sao Jose do Campos,

Rua aceru, 247 - Morumbi , Sao Paulo , Brazil , 04705-000

Vila Olímpia,

Rua Casa do Ator, 275 , São Paulo , Brazil , 04546-001

Paulista 1,

Avenida Paulista, 2000 , São Paulo , Brazil , 01310200

Paulista 2,

Rua Treze de Maio, 1266 , São Paulo , Brazil , 01327002


Avenida Roque Petroni Jr., 630 , São Paulo , Brazil , 04707000

Vale do Anhangabaú,

Rua Líbero Badaró, 487 , São Paulo , Brazil , 32921555

+ 3 More Locations

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