Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
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Substantial,complex and functional analysis, Differential equations, dynamic systems andeffective equations, Logic theory, algebra and numbers theory Electrophysics,Electrophysical equipment, Laser Physics, Substantial, complex and functionalanalysis, Chemistry, Eccology, Soil Science Machine Science, Drive systems andmachine components, Robots, Mechatronics and robotic systems, Mechanicalengineering technologies, Technologies and equipment of mechanical andphysicotechnical processing, Thermal engines, Theoretical electrotechnics, Equipmentand measurement methods, Information measuring and controlling systems(biomedical equipment), Radiotechnics, including television systems anddevices, Telecommunication systems, networks and devices, System analysis, datacontrolling and processing, Components and devices of IT-equipment and controlsystems, Automation and control of technological processes and production,Social and economic systems management, Automation systems of engineering,Mathematic simulation, numerical methods and program complexes, Foundryengineering, Polymer and composites reprocessing, Processes and machinery ofchemical engineering, Automobile transport service, Engineering structures andconstructions, Constructional materials and products, Construction technology,Design and construction of roads, subways, fly grounds, bridges and transporttunnels, Solid-state electronics, radio electronic components, micro- andnano-electronics, quantum effects devices, Russian History, National economyand management, Philosophy of Religion and religious study, Ontology andcognitive theory, educational psychology, Criminal Law and Criminology
Substantial,complex and functional analysis, Differential equations, dynamic systems andeffective equations, Logic theory, algebra and numbers theory Electrophysics,Electrophysical equipment, Laser Physics, Substantial, complex and functionalanalysis, Chemistry, Eccology, Soil Science Machine Science, Drive systems andmachine components, Robots, Mechatronics and robotic systems, Mechanicalengineering technologies, Technologies and equipment of mechanical andphysicotechnical processing, Thermal engines, Theoretical electrotechnics, Equipmentand measurement methods, Information measuring and controlling systems(biomedical equipment), Radiotechnics, including television systems anddevices, Telecommunication systems, networks and devices, System analysis, datacontrolling and processing, Components and devices of IT-equipment and controlsystems, Automation and control of technological processes and production,Social and economic systems management, Automation systems of engineering,Mathematic simulation, numerical methods and program complexes, Foundryengineering, Polymer and composites reprocessing, Processes and machinery ofchemical engineering, Automobile transport service, Engineering structures andconstructions, Constructional materials and products, Construction technology,Design and construction of roads, subways, fly grounds, bridges and transporttunnels, Solid-state electronics, radio electronic components, micro- andnano-electronics, quantum effects devices, Russian History, National economyand management, Philosophy of Religion and religious study, Ontology andcognitive theory, educational psychology, Criminal Law and Criminology
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