In 1984, a group of renowned sound, image and education professionals joined their forces to respond to an ever-increasing demand for audio-visual training and decided to form the Escuela Superior de Imagen Sonido CES.
Soon, the institution was able to provide training plans for the most important companies in the sector: Telecinco, TVE, Antenna 3, Telemadrid, Canalsur, Radio National de Espana, Telson, Asociacion Audiovisual de Andalucia. Their training used the latest in audio-visual equipment: 8,500 m2 of facilities at the highest technical level, with the same technology used by the leading companies in the sector.
The mission of the Escuela Superior de Imagen Sonido CES is to offer quality training in the field of image, sound and animation, aiming that the students can access the most updated contents, cutting-edge equipment and materials, to enable them to access the labor market in the easiest way.
In 1984, a group of renowned sound, image and education professionals joined their forces to respond to an ever-increasing demand for audio-visual training and decided to form the Escuela Superior de Imagen Sonido CES.
Soon, the institution was able to provide training plans for the most important companies in the sector: Telecinco, TVE, Antenna 3, Telemadrid, Canalsur, Radio National de Espana, Telson, Asociacion Audiovisual de Andalucia. Their training used the latest in audio-visual equipment: 8,500 m2 of facilities at the highest technical level, with the same technology used by the leading companies in the sector.
The mission of the Escuela Superior de Imagen Sonido CES is to offer quality training in the field of image, sound and animation, aiming that the students can access the most updated contents, cutting-edge equipment and materials, to enable them to access the labor market in the easiest way.