The history of Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia started in 1958 when a group of coperativists led by the brothers Henry and Rymel Serrano Uribe and Mr. Carlos Uribe Garzón decided to work on the development of solidarity economy, particularly on the cooperative movement, based on the instruction of adults on this doctrine. This is why; it was created the Moses Michael Coady Institute on behalf of the cooperative priest who was one of the pioneers of cooperative education in his country. Later, in 1961, the Moses Michael Coady Institute becomes Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo– INDESCO (Social Economy and Cooperativism Institute); afterwards Superintendencia Nacional de Cooperativas (National Cooperative Direction), years after DANCOOP, then DANSOCIAL. Finally, by means of Resolution 4156 from 1963 the Unidad Administrativa Especial de Organizaciones Solidarias (Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations) granted an operating license to the “Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo”. Thanks to the actions implemented towards the development of the cooperative movement in the 60’s, not only on the field of instruction, but also in consultancy, the Superintendencia Nacional de Cooperativas, by means of the Resolution 00559 of 1968, recognizes the Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo– INDESCO as a supporting institution from cooperativism rooted in Bogotá, Colombia.
The history of Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia started in 1958 when a group of coperativists led by the brothers Henry and Rymel Serrano Uribe and Mr. Carlos Uribe Garzón decided to work on the development of solidarity economy, particularly on the cooperative movement, based on the instruction of adults on this doctrine. This is why; it was created the Moses Michael Coady Institute on behalf of the cooperative priest who was one of the pioneers of cooperative education in his country. Later, in 1961, the Moses Michael Coady Institute becomes Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo– INDESCO (Social Economy and Cooperativism Institute); afterwards Superintendencia Nacional de Cooperativas (National Cooperative Direction), years after DANCOOP, then DANSOCIAL. Finally, by means of Resolution 4156 from 1963 the Unidad Administrativa Especial de Organizaciones Solidarias (Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations) granted an operating license to the “Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo”. Thanks to the actions implemented towards the development of the cooperative movement in the 60’s, not only on the field of instruction, but also in consultancy, the Superintendencia Nacional de Cooperativas, by means of the Resolution 00559 of 1968, recognizes the Instituto de Economía Social y Cooperativismo– INDESCO as a supporting institution from cooperativism rooted in Bogotá, Colombia.
University highlights
- 2024#301-350
- 2025#301-350
Campus locations
Sede Ibagué,
CALLE 10 No. 1-120 , Ibagué , Colombia ,
Sede Villavicencio,
Cra 22 No. 7 – 06 Cooperativa , Villavicencio , Colombia ,
Sede Santa Marta,
Carretera Troncal del Caribe Universidad Cooperativa , Santa Marta , Colombia ,
Sede Quibdó,
Calle 30 No. 4-27 , Quibdó , Colombia ,
Sede Popayán,
Cra 9 No. 23N-26 , Popayán , Colombia ,
Sede Pereira,
Complejo Educativo La Julita UTP , Pereira , Colombia ,
Sede Pasto,
Calle 18 No. 47 – 150 , Pasto , Colombia ,
Sede Neiva,
Calle 11 No. 1 G – 31 B , Neiva , Colombia ,
Sede Montería,
Calle 52A No. 6 - 79 , Montería , Colombia ,
Sede Medellín,
CALLE 50 No. 41 – 70 , Medellín , Colombia ,
Sede Espinal,
CRA. 11 # 15-01 , Espinal , Colombia ,
Sede Cartago,
Cra 4 No. 13 - 54 , Cartago , Colombia ,
Sede Cali,
Carrera 73 No. 2 A – 80 , Cali , Colombia ,
Sede Bucaramanga,
Calle 30 A No. 33 - 51 , Bucaramanga , Colombia ,
Sede Bogotá,
Av. Caracas No. 37-63 , Bogotá , Colombia ,
Sede Barrancabermeja,
Calle 60 No 28-129 , Barrancabermeja , Colombia ,
Sede Arauca,
Calle 20 No. 30 – 12 , Arauca , Colombia ,
Sede Apartadó,
Calle 91 No. 96 A - 93 , Apartadó , Colombia ,
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