Universidade do Estado do Pará


  • Public高校性质
  • Medium研究成果
  • 14,906学生人数
  • 1,132教员人数


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The formation of highly trained human resources in the Northern Region of Brazil, through graduate courses offered by institutions located within the region itself has an important role to diminish the disproportional national, regional and intra-regional differences. UEPA offers a large diversity of specialization courses which have an important role in the formation of qualified personnel to meet socioeconomic demands in the region. UEPA currently offers 26 courses in the field of education, healthcare and technology. UEPA also promotes medical residencies in association with public organs in the State of Pará, mainly in Dermatology, Family and Community Medicine, Emergency Rooms, Hospital Nursing, Education and Food Technology.


The formation of highly trained human resources in the Northern Region of Brazil, through graduate courses offered by institutions located within the region itself has an important role to diminish the disproportional national, regional and intra-regional differences. UEPA offers a large diversity of specialization courses which have an important role in the formation of qualified personnel to meet socioeconomic demands in the region. UEPA currently offers 26 courses in the field of education, healthcare and technology. UEPA also promotes medical residencies in association with public organs in the State of Pará, mainly in Dermatology, Family and Community Medicine, Emergency Rooms, Hospital Nursing, Education and Food Technology.

University highlights

Student & Staff

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Total faculty staff


Total students

Total faculty staff

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English language requirements

Universidade do Estado do Pará CN