TIFR has been one of the premier Research Institutes in India since 1945. It became a Deemed University in 2002. It awards M.Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D. degrees in the six disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer and Systems Sciences, and Science Education. It runs Ph.D. and Integrated M.Sc. Ph.D. programmes in the above disciplines (except Science Education). It also has M.Sc. programmes in Biology and Wildlife Biology and Conservation.
TIFR has been one of the premier Research Institutes in India since 1945. It became a Deemed University in 2002. It awards M.Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D. degrees in the six disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer and Systems Sciences, and Science Education. It runs Ph.D. and Integrated M.Sc. Ph.D. programmes in the above disciplines (except Science Education). It also has M.Sc. programmes in Biology and Wildlife Biology and Conservation.
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TIFR Bangalore: National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM), International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS),
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research