
Guatemala City

  • Private高校性质
  • Low研究成果
  • 23,654学生人数
  • 3,083教员人数


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Galileo University (UG) is the first highereducation institution with a technological approach in Guatemala. As such, UGaims at promoting research and study in sciences as well as at the developmentand application of new technologies to solve national problems. Authorized onOctober 31st of 2000, UG has been a pioneer in the field of computer sciencesand electronics in Guatemala. With more than 15 years of experience in Technology-EnhancedLearning is a reference for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) inthe region. With many national and international projects with the specialfocus on e-Health, e-Education and e-Inclusion, the main activities are lookingforward for the clear motto “To educate is to change visions and transformlives” (Eduardo Suger, Ph.D. Galileo University's president and founder).

As a leader in the country, UG is part of theNational System of Science and Technology, leading the ICT and ResearchInfrastructure thematic fields as a National Contact Point (NCP). Staffinvolved in UGAL had been part of international proposals and internationalbrokerage events related to FP7/HORIZON 2020, being an active member of theIDEAL-IST (ICT Cooperation Among ICT NCP) HORIZON 2020 project.  UG is the Latin American coordinator of tworunning Erasmus+ projects: ACAI-LA (Adoption of Accessibility, Innovation andQuality for Higher Education in Latin America) and MOOC-Maker (Construction ofManagement Capacities for MOOCs), with previous experience of EU fundedprogrammes ALFA III and @LIS: ESVI-AL (Accessibility in E-Learning), JELARE(Renewable Energy), DIEGO (Renewable Energy) and CELA (Climate Change) (ALFA III) and E-LANE(E-Learning).

UG is an active actorin the Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)thematic fields. UG created the first MOOC framework for Latin America (calledTelescopio) and is the first Latin American partner in the edX consortium,offering open online courses all over the world.


Galileo University (UG) is the first highereducation institution with a technological approach in Guatemala. As such, UGaims at promoting research and study in sciences as well as at the developmentand application of new technologies to solve national problems. Authorized onOctober 31st of 2000, UG has been a pioneer in the field of computer sciencesand electronics in Guatemala. With more than 15 years of experience in Technology-EnhancedLearning is a reference for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) inthe region. With many national and international projects with the specialfocus on e-Health, e-Education and e-Inclusion, the main activities are lookingforward for the clear motto “To educate is to change visions and transformlives” (Eduardo Suger, Ph.D. Galileo University's president and founder).

As a leader in the country, UG is part of theNational System of Science and Technology, leading the ICT and ResearchInfrastructure thematic fields as a National Contact Point (NCP). Staffinvolved in UGAL had been part of international proposals and internationalbrokerage events related to FP7/HORIZON 2020, being an active member of theIDEAL-IST (ICT Cooperation Among ICT NCP) HORIZON 2020 project.  UG is the Latin American coordinator of tworunning Erasmus+ projects: ACAI-LA (Adoption of Accessibility, Innovation andQuality for Higher Education in Latin America) and MOOC-Maker (Construction ofManagement Capacities for MOOCs), with previous experience of EU fundedprogrammes ALFA III and @LIS: ESVI-AL (Accessibility in E-Learning), JELARE(Renewable Energy), DIEGO (Renewable Energy) and CELA (Climate Change) (ALFA III) and E-LANE(E-Learning).

UG is an active actorin the Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)thematic fields. UG created the first MOOC framework for Latin America (calledTelescopio) and is the first Latin American partner in the edX consortium,offering open online courses all over the world.

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Guatemala City, GT,

Guatemala City , Guatemala ,

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Universidad Galileo basic Private Low 8 no 0 L CN