E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University

Universitetskaya Str. 28, Karaganda

  • #901-950 QS Global World Ranking
  • PrivateStatus
  • HighResearch Output
  • 13,936Total Students
  • 2,257Faculty
  • 828Int'l Students


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Buketov Karaganda State University is the second university in thehistory of Kazakhstan, and it is one of the oldest and largest universities inthe country. Buketov Karaganda State University, being a classical university,has an important social and cultural mission. Our university, according to thetraditions of classical universities, maintains high level and fundamentalcharacter of higher education. Buketov Karaganda State University is one of theleaders in education, science and culture of Kazakhstan. The prestige ofBuketov Karaganda State University is confirmed by international cooperation.Different public universities, home and foreign institutes work as ourpartners. Here are only some of them. European Association ofUniversities;  Eurasian Association of Universities (EAU); InternationalAssociation of University Presidents (IAUP); International Higher EducationAcademy of Sciences (IHEAS, IAS HE); Economics Education and ResearchConsortium (EERC); Economic EducationInternational Project (B&EE); European Chemistry Thematic NetworkAssociation (ECTN); Association of Asian Universities (AAU); Siberian OpenUniversity Association, etc. Academic mobility counts more than 200 people per year (France,Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Germany, Lithuania,  Romania, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Russia,Belarus, etc.). In 2014 Buketov KaragandaState University became a member of European University Association. BuketovKaraganda State University offers more than 100 Bachelor, Master and PhDprograms. The university has institutional and special accreditation. Languagesof learning are Kazakh, Russian, and Englsih. Prominent political and publicfigures, senators of the Parliament and deputies of the Mazhilis of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, rectors of Kazakhstani universities, members of theUnion of Artists, Olympic champions and world champions, namely Gennady Golovkin(GGG) are among the graduates of Buketov . In 2019, Askhat KanatovichAymagambetov, a graduate of the Faculty of History of Buketov Karaganda StateUniversity, became the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic ofKazakhstan.

The scientific achievements of the university scientists have repeatedlyreceived high praise from the state, the public and the corporate community,namely 5 innovative projects of scientists from Buketov Karaganda StateUniversity took part in the International Exhibition ASTANA-EXPO-2017. During2017, three series of the journal “Bulletin of Karaganda University” -“Chemistry”, “Physics” and “Mathematics” were included into the main base ofthe Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Web of Science Core Collection. BuketovKaraganda State University also publishes the international journals such as EurasianPhysical Technical Journal included into the Scopus database in 2019. BuketovKaraganda State University has a developed infrastructure, including 10academic buildings, a scientific library with a fund of 1.8 million books,modern reading rooms, and electronic resource rooms; 6 comfortable hostels;educational laboratory and field training bases of practice; modern sportsfacilities. University repository took the first place in the Republic ofKazakhstan.


Buketov Karaganda State University is the second university in thehistory of Kazakhstan, and it is one of the oldest and largest universities inthe country. Buketov Karaganda State University, being a classical university,has an important social and cultural mission. Our university, according to thetraditions of classical universities, maintains high level and fundamentalcharacter of higher education. Buketov Karaganda State University is one of theleaders in education, science and culture of Kazakhstan. The prestige ofBuketov Karaganda State University is confirmed by international cooperation.Different public universities, home and foreign institutes work as ourpartners. Here are only some of them. European Association ofUniversities;  Eurasian Association of Universities (EAU); InternationalAssociation of University Presidents (IAUP); International Higher EducationAcademy of Sciences (IHEAS, IAS HE); Economics Education and ResearchConsortium (EERC); Economic EducationInternational Project (B&EE); European Chemistry Thematic NetworkAssociation (ECTN); Association of Asian Universities (AAU); Siberian OpenUniversity Association, etc. Academic mobility counts more than 200 people per year (France,Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Germany, Lithuania,  Romania, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Russia,Belarus, etc.). In 2014 Buketov KaragandaState University became a member of European University Association. BuketovKaraganda State University offers more than 100 Bachelor, Master and PhDprograms. The university has institutional and special accreditation. Languagesof learning are Kazakh, Russian, and Englsih. Prominent political and publicfigures, senators of the Parliament and deputies of the Mazhilis of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, rectors of Kazakhstani universities, members of theUnion of Artists, Olympic champions and world champions, namely Gennady Golovkin(GGG) are among the graduates of Buketov . In 2019, Askhat KanatovichAymagambetov, a graduate of the Faculty of History of Buketov Karaganda StateUniversity, became the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic ofKazakhstan.

The scientific achievements of the university scientists have repeatedlyreceived high praise from the state, the public and the corporate community,namely 5 innovative projects of scientists from Buketov Karaganda StateUniversity took part in the International Exhibition ASTANA-EXPO-2017. During2017, three series of the journal “Bulletin of Karaganda University” -“Chemistry”, “Physics” and “Mathematics” were included into the main base ofthe Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Web of Science Core Collection. BuketovKaraganda State University also publishes the international journals such as EurasianPhysical Technical Journal included into the Scopus database in 2019. BuketovKaraganda State University has a developed infrastructure, including 10academic buildings, a scientific library with a fund of 1.8 million books,modern reading rooms, and electronic resource rooms; 6 comfortable hostels;educational laboratory and field training bases of practice; modern sportsfacilities. University repository took the first place in the Republic ofKazakhstan.

University highlights

QS World University Ranking

  • 2012
  • 2014
    # 701+
  • 2015
    # 701+
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Student & Staff

Total students


International students


Total faculty staff


Total students


International students


Total faculty staff

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Campus locations

Universitetskaya Str. 28, Universitetskaya Str. 28, Karaganda, KZ,

Universitetskaya Str. 28 , Karaganda , Kazakhstan , 100028

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