Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University

99, Aiteke bi, Almaty

  • PublicStatus
  • MediumResearch Output
  • 7,492Total Students
  • 419Faculty
  • 104Int'l Students


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Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University was founded in 1944 according to "On Kazakh Girls’ Highly Qualified Specialists Training" decree adopted by Kazakh Republic Commissars’ Committee during a hard time of World War II.The university has had a long and complicated development experience and it has been contributing to the country’s science and education. In 2008, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training Institute was awarded the status of University by the Government’s decree. In December 2018, the University was awarded the status of National University by the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.At present, there are approximately 6000 students at 6 Departments of Physics and Mathematics, Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Pedagogy and Psychology, Natural Sciences, Kazakh Philology, and World Languages and Arts and Culture and 28 Chairs. The number of faculty members is approximately 556 people including professors with a Ph.D. is 231 (53.8%) and 165 teachers with Master's degree in 2018. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 55 educational programs were successfully accredited by Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) and other 10 programs are accredited by Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN, Germany). The university keeps leading positions in annual institutional rankings among teacher training universities held by Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) and National Ranking of the Best Pedagogical HEIs of Kazakhstan and took the 2nd place in 2019.  In 2019, in the general according to the IAAR ranking, of the TOP-20 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KNWTTU takes 7th place. In the Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (ARES-2019), the University keeps the 25th position among 95 universities in Kazakhstan. The university participates in the rating of educational programs of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”. In 2019, KNWTTU entered the top ten in 13 educational programs.Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University conducts and develops international cooperation with 65 foreign partner universities. The main partners are International Western College (Great Britain), Sungshin Women's University (South Korea), Hubei University (China), University of Perpignan (France) and others. These agreements regulate issues of academic mobility of students and faculty, guest lectures of leading researchers, the implementation of joint research, research internships for master and doctoral students, etc. In addition, the Double-diploma program is implemented with Mississippi Valley State University (USA) and Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (Turkey). In 2019, the number of foreign students was 127 students.There are 37 youth organizations in the University. The unique club is «Kyz Zhibek», which has branches in 9 regions of the country.The infrastructure is represented by 3 educational buildings and 7 dormitories for students and staff of the University. There are a student service center, medical health center, swimming pool "Akku", library, gym, dining room “Ulpan” organized and functioned for the convenience of students and staff. The students enrolled on the basis of the state educational grant as well as international students are provided with three meals a day and places in dormitories.


Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University was founded in 1944 according to "On Kazakh Girls’ Highly Qualified Specialists Training" decree adopted by Kazakh Republic Commissars’ Committee during a hard time of World War II.The university has had a long and complicated development experience and it has been contributing to the country’s science and education. In 2008, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training Institute was awarded the status of University by the Government’s decree. In December 2018, the University was awarded the status of National University by the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.At present, there are approximately 6000 students at 6 Departments of Physics and Mathematics, Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Pedagogy and Psychology, Natural Sciences, Kazakh Philology, and World Languages and Arts and Culture and 28 Chairs. The number of faculty members is approximately 556 people including professors with a Ph.D. is 231 (53.8%) and 165 teachers with Master's degree in 2018. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 55 educational programs were successfully accredited by Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) and other 10 programs are accredited by Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN, Germany). The university keeps leading positions in annual institutional rankings among teacher training universities held by Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) and National Ranking of the Best Pedagogical HEIs of Kazakhstan and took the 2nd place in 2019.  In 2019, in the general according to the IAAR ranking, of the TOP-20 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KNWTTU takes 7th place. In the Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard (ARES-2019), the University keeps the 25th position among 95 universities in Kazakhstan. The university participates in the rating of educational programs of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”. In 2019, KNWTTU entered the top ten in 13 educational programs.Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University conducts and develops international cooperation with 65 foreign partner universities. The main partners are International Western College (Great Britain), Sungshin Women's University (South Korea), Hubei University (China), University of Perpignan (France) and others. These agreements regulate issues of academic mobility of students and faculty, guest lectures of leading researchers, the implementation of joint research, research internships for master and doctoral students, etc. In addition, the Double-diploma program is implemented with Mississippi Valley State University (USA) and Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (Turkey). In 2019, the number of foreign students was 127 students.There are 37 youth organizations in the University. The unique club is «Kyz Zhibek», which has branches in 9 regions of the country.The infrastructure is represented by 3 educational buildings and 7 dormitories for students and staff of the University. There are a student service center, medical health center, swimming pool "Akku", library, gym, dining room “Ulpan” organized and functioned for the convenience of students and staff. The students enrolled on the basis of the state educational grant as well as international students are provided with three meals a day and places in dormitories.

University highlights

Student & Staff

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International students


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Total students


International students


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Campus locations

Premises 1,

99, Aiteke bi , Almaty , Republic of Kazakhstan , Kazakhstan , 050000

Premises 2,

114, Gogol , Almaty , Kazakhstan , 050000

Premises 3,

161, Gogol , Almaty , Kazakhstan , 050000

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Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University basic Public Medium 18 no 104 M EN