Universidad Técnica de Oruro

Av. 6 de Octubre No 5715 entre Ayacucho y Cochabamba, Oruro

  • PublicStatus
  • LowResearch Output
  • 27,201Total Students
  • 458Faculty


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By means of resolution of University Council N 02/99 of January 9, 1998-2002, the creation of the Directorate of Postgraduate and Scientific Research (DPIC) of the UTO is established, based on a new organic structure and its respective manual of functions . To achieve the purposes and purposes described above, the Postgraduate and Scientific Research Office has the following objectives.

  Raise the qualification, with the highest possible academic level of human resources, through courses and updating, training and improvement with graduate programs at the level of diploma, specialty, masters and doctorate.
    Guarantee the link between postgraduate and scientific research oriented towards the solution of regional and national problems, enabling their dissemination and publication.
    Create a culture of Scientific and Technological Research in the pre and postgraduate levels, through an adequate planning, coordination and execution of research programs.
    Closely link postgraduate programs with research and development programs and projects, considered priorities for the UTO, the region and the Country.

The responsibilities of the postgraduate and scientific research direction are framed in a summarized way to the Management of:

    Postgraduate programs of Diploma, Specialization, Masters and Doctorates of a multidisciplinary nature.
    Improvement courses and postgraduate update aimed at university professors and professionals from different areas of knowledge.
    Scientific and Technological research based on the definition of Institutional Research Priority Lines and the development of research programs and projects that contribute to the development of the region.
    Master's Degree in Management and Business Management.
    Master in Project Management.
    Master's Degree in Audio and Financial Management.

Faculty of Agricultural, Cattle and Veterinary Sciences:
In conjunction with the National University of the Altiplano de Puno-Peru:

    Master in Livestock-Mention Dairy ..
    Master in Livestock-Animal Production Mention-Currently in its Fourth Module.

Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences:
They are performed:

    Master's Degree in Private Law.
    Diploma in Procedural and Criminal Law.


By means of resolution of University Council N 02/99 of January 9, 1998-2002, the creation of the Directorate of Postgraduate and Scientific Research (DPIC) of the UTO is established, based on a new organic structure and its respective manual of functions . To achieve the purposes and purposes described above, the Postgraduate and Scientific Research Office has the following objectives.

  Raise the qualification, with the highest possible academic level of human resources, through courses and updating, training and improvement with graduate programs at the level of diploma, specialty, masters and doctorate.
    Guarantee the link between postgraduate and scientific research oriented towards the solution of regional and national problems, enabling their dissemination and publication.
    Create a culture of Scientific and Technological Research in the pre and postgraduate levels, through an adequate planning, coordination and execution of research programs.
    Closely link postgraduate programs with research and development programs and projects, considered priorities for the UTO, the region and the Country.

The responsibilities of the postgraduate and scientific research direction are framed in a summarized way to the Management of:

    Postgraduate programs of Diploma, Specialization, Masters and Doctorates of a multidisciplinary nature.
    Improvement courses and postgraduate update aimed at university professors and professionals from different areas of knowledge.
    Scientific and Technological research based on the definition of Institutional Research Priority Lines and the development of research programs and projects that contribute to the development of the region.
    Master's Degree in Management and Business Management.
    Master in Project Management.
    Master's Degree in Audio and Financial Management.

Faculty of Agricultural, Cattle and Veterinary Sciences:
In conjunction with the National University of the Altiplano de Puno-Peru:

    Master in Livestock-Mention Dairy ..
    Master in Livestock-Animal Production Mention-Currently in its Fourth Module.

Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences:
They are performed:

    Master's Degree in Private Law.
    Diploma in Procedural and Criminal Law.

University highlights

Student & Staff

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Campus locations


Av. 6 de Octubre No 5715 entre Ayacucho y Cochabamba , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia , 49

Facultad Nacional de Ingenieria,

Av. Dehene , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad Tecnica,

C. Vasquez , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo,

Av. 6 de octubre esquina Ayacucho , Oruro , cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Naturales,

av. Dehene , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Financieras,

C. Cochabamba y Potosi , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Financieras,

Av. Villarroel y La Paz , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud,

Av. sargento Flores , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

Facultad de derecho Ciencias Politicas y Sociales,

Av. 6 de Agosto y Herrera , Oruro , Cercado , Bolivia ,

+ 6 More Locations

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